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Replacements considering reunion...

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We'll miss you there.



Of all bands to reunite, this is the band that should do it. The real kicker is that Westerberg rarely tours anymore. If it takes a reunion to get him out, I'll take it.


Not saying that they're not worth seeing, but I've seen them twice already without Bob (once at the final show at Grant Park) and, they were good. Really good. But Bob added that element of teetering on the edge (and sometimes pushed them over), that made them truly exciting.

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The Replacements getting back together would be bitter sweet. No Chris Mars. Certainly no Bob...not even Slim Dunlap. Don't get me wrong, the 'Mats are one of my favorite bands of all time and if they actually did this, I'd try and see them as many times as I could (granted they put a full tour together). To see Tommy and Paul on a stage together again would be a dream come true, a bitter sweet one, but a great dream come true all the same. They'd either blow everyone away and create a whole new chapter to their mystique and history and acquire a new fan base or totally suck by being incredibly inconsistent, piss off people going to see them for the first time and simply reconfirm to the older fans that they were the quintessential "one foot in the door, the other foot in the gutter" band of all time.

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How about a new album while we're at it. I mean Dinosaur JR nailed it with "Beyond." Surely the Mats could deliver a worthwhile release.

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I totally encourage them to cash the big checks (filthy lucre), but I doubt it would be anything noteworthy. Their time has come and gone even more than the Pixies.


First, the Pixies reunion was ridiculously successful and lucrative. They were playing bigger venues than when they were in their prime.


Second, with as little as Paul tours, and the influence that the Replacement's have had, I'm sure it would be "noteworthy". Not sure how you are defining that but, if I understand correctly, you are trying to tie to whether the tour would be successful or not.

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Not sure how you are defining that but, if I understand correctly, you are trying to tie to whether the tour would be successful or not.


I hope, for their sake it would be financially successful. They never got their due. I do not think it would be musically noteworthy. From what I saw of the Pixies reunion, it wasn't musically noteworthy either.

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I hope, for their sake it would be financially successful. They never got their due. I do not think it would be musically noteworthy. From what I saw of the Pixies reunion, it wasn't musically noteworthy either.


ah, gotcha. I agree that they are due financially. How musically noteworthy is probably indifferent to most of us Replacements fans. It would just be great to see them play again. I think Slim should be in the mix. I know Chris isn't interested and I can appreciate that.


I've seen the Replacements & Westerberg in all of their incarnations on numerous occasions. Two of my top 3 shows have been Paul solo. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

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I hope, for their sake it would be financially successful. They never got their due. I do not think it would be musically noteworthy. From what I saw of the Pixies reunion, it wasn't musically noteworthy either.

i saw the Pixies 4x on the reunion tour (the very first 2 shows back and latter on the fall tour), it was very much noteworthy musically. in fact they often played better than they did back then (which i'm betting the Mats' most certainly would too, all things considered)

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i'd obviously go if it happened, but part of me kinda hopes it doesn't

That's pretty much how I feel about it.


They're one of my favorite bands (if not my favorite) but I'm not sure I want to see them do the Mats 2.0 thing as the possibility for disappointment is too great.

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