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Fair enough. I've actually tried to more clearly argue my points the last couple days in light of previous "issues" brought up. I really don't know what it had to go there.



Oh p-A-lease, of all people to take offense. Forum bullies can give it, but they can't take it.



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I think the fact that you seem to have ignored a pretty obvious change in posting habits by a few posters in the last few days says a lot.


Edited by gogo for being non-substantial. See "you've been warned", above.


I'm serious about this, people. If it keeps up, I'll delete the whole damn post.

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I'm well aware of that. I'd rather not delete anything outright, but this way people looking for actual substantial political discussion don't have to wade through the crap. Don't worry, I'm sure someone will push me to full-on deletion soon enough.

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I'm well aware of that. I'd rather not delete anything outright, but this way people looking for actual substantial political discussion don't have to wade through the crap. Don't worry, I'm sure someone will push me to full-on deletion soon enough.


can you put a black bar over my last post, just for fun?

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I'm this close to closing down the whole damn thing! :realmad


Where's Beltman when we need him? Does he have some kind of bat-signal thing where we could let him know we need him to come in and say something smart?

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Guest Jules


Let it be clear that all this recent crap has been the work of one person. Completely un-solicited.


And yes, this post is 'substantial' so that everyone knows how we got to this point.


Edited by gogo. Oh yes, I did. Not adding anything to the discussion. Let it go, and move on.



Back to Jules' original post:

Now, back to the robin hood socialist take company's profits discussion.

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I'm going to let that one go (myboyblue's), since it's actually far more substantial than most of what's gone on in here in the last hour.


I'm not old enough to remember this, but apparently in the 60s it was kind of a big deal for some older people that young people wore the American flag as clothing (on jackets, as shirts, whatever). It was considered disrespectful. Now, everything is covered with flags, you see flags on paper napkins that people are wiping their greasy mouths with and then throwing in the trash, etc. How did this change so completely? If the flag is sacred to some people, why are they willing to desecrate it just for the sake of having something in their vicinity covered with this symbol?


Not exactly election-related, just something I've been thinking about...

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Hey, I'm in the flower of my youth! Or, middle age. Or something.


Whatever, I'm not old enough to remember it!!! :realmad


My dad talks about it all the time, though.

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I'm going to let that one go (myboyblue's), since it's actually far more substantial than most of what's gone on in here in the last hour.


I'm not old enough to remember this, but apparently in the 60s it was kind of a big deal for some older people that young people wore the American flag as clothing (on jackets, as shirts, whatever). It was considered disrespectful. Now, everything is covered with flags, you see flags on paper napkins that people are wiping their greasy mouths with and then throwing in the trash, etc. How did this change so completely? If the flag is sacred to some people, why are they willing to desecrate it just for the sake of having something in their vicinity covered with this symbol?


Not exactly election-related, just something I've been thinking about...


Not to mention this guy:


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I was thinking of how much feeling there is in an old school flag. The cotton (hemp) ones that have such bold color. The white isn't so white, the red and blue are deep. The heft and texture are there too. The current nylon dogshit from China is a disgrace.

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I just don't understand where it tipped. At one point, this was the height of disrespect:




Now, you wouldn't be surprised to see something like this at either of the parties' conventions:



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I'm going to let that one go (myboyblue's), since it's actually far more substantial than most of what's gone on in here in the last hour.


I'm not old enough to remember this, but apparently in the 60s it was kind of a big deal for some older people that young people wore the American flag as clothing (on jackets, as shirts, whatever). It was considered disrespectful. Now, everything is covered with flags, you see flags on paper napkins that people are wiping their greasy mouths with and then throwing in the trash, etc. How did this change so completely? If the flag is sacred to some people, why are they willing to desecrate it just for the sake of having something in their vicinity covered with this symbol?


Not exactly election-related, just something I've been thinking about...


You weren't actually considering editing my post, were you? I was simply making fun of buffoonery chain emails that float around. I agree with your assessment that some folks are very reverential about the flag. I'm ok with that. It's just ridiculous that much of this 'controversy' around the lapel pin, the plane, etc. is not based in any facts. Beyond that, it hides or buries the real issues that impact the people who are so very fond of said flag. Most of it, from my view, is based on lightly veiled racism.


edit: That, and I was just trying to lighten it up in here a bit. Proceed.

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No, I had no reason to edit your post. I probably phrased that wrong. I was never even considering it.


I don't know if we're talking about the same thing. I understand your point about the chain e-mails, etc. My point is more specific to the flag itself. It's just treated differently than it was 40 or 50 years ago, often by people who would claim that they respect it every bit as much as their fathers and grandfathers did. But some of them are making that claim while wearing American flag fanny-packs, which would probably have horrified their fathers and grandfathers (for more than just the issue of good fashion sense).

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