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MLB 2008 Part 3, Take 2

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Yes, the Mets bullpen sucks. I tip my cap to Johan Santana for his restraint in interviews. David Wright, however, does not suck.

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Guest Jules

Good to see Edmonds get a piece of the Cardinals today. And Blanco coming up with the winning hit after coming in for defensive purposes? Awesome.

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Good to see Edmonds get a piece of the Cardinals today. And Blanco coming up with the winning hit after coming in for defensive purposes? Awesome.

So you're a republican and a Cubs fan? The world's worst two evils coexisting in one being. And they said Obama was the antichrist.



And good to see Zambrano choke today.

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From today's NY Post





Posted: 3:54 am

August 9, 2008


ANAHEIM, Calif. - Having successfully orchestrated his divorce from Boston and his landing in with the Dodgers, Manny Ramirez would like to make life miserable for the Red Sox during the next few seasons.


According to people who have spoken to the eccentric outfielder since he was dealt to L.A. on July 31, Ramirez wants to sign a free-agent deal with the Yankees New York Yankees this offseason and get 19 chances a year to punish Boston.


"He wants to play for the Yankees so he can get at the Red Sox," a close friend of Ramirez's told The Post.


Of course, every free agent says he wants to play for the Yankees. They pay well, will always have a chance to make the postseason, and when they show an interest in a free agent, the price from other clubs skyrockets.

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So you're a republican and a Cubs fan? The world's worst two evils coexisting in one being. And they said Obama was the antichrist.



And good to see Zambrano choke today.


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apparently manny has no idea how good he had it in boston. too bad.

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How good did he have it in Boston? I mean yeah, he won two World Series (which I'm sure he knows), but none of us have any idea what things were like off the field for Manny in Boston.

yes. manny knows he helped win two world series, and so did i, though it was kind of nice of you to tell me.


how good? he made $20 million a year for 8 years. he's a casual, fun-loving character and a very great slugger, and i love him for all of that. but you can't tell me that he didn't get away with all kinds of lateness, sloughing off, and countless other antics that no one else on the team would get away with (or even try).


you don't think that kind of pay and freedom was good treatment? i see torre's at him again about his hair.


we've all been aware for some time (a few years) that there were things manny didn't like about living in boston. that has nothing to do with how the red sox treated him. they've been trying, ever since he first asked, to trade him, and pampered him while he was here. sorry, but i don't think revenge against the red sox is called for. in fact it's pretty outrageous, a trait that i enjoyed very much while he was here but didn't enjoy so much while reading that article.

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I didn't say he was treated badly. I have no idea how he was treated by his teammates or the front office and neither do you. Putting up with antics is one thing, but his relationship with teammates, front office, media, fans, etc. is more than just that. Yeah, wanting to play for the Yankees to get revenge at Boston fans is a little childish, but that doesn't mean he may not have some legitimate gripes about the time he spent there.

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Manny grew up in Washington Heights, so coming back to New York would seem natural. Given Omar Minaya's penchant for old players and Latino players, I think the Mets will try to sign him.

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I didn't say he was treated badly. I have no idea how he was treated by his teammates or the front office and neither do you. Putting up with antics is one thing, but his relationship with teammates, front office, media, fans, etc. is more than just that. Yeah, wanting to play for the Yankees to get revenge at Boston fans is a little childish, but that doesn't mean he may not have some legitimate gripes about the time he spent there.

actually, i'd say i have some bit of an idea, having watched him for 7.5 years and paid attention during the last three trade deadlines and the off-seasons. i haven't said i know it all, far from it. but i think i've seen, heard, and learned enough in all that time to have a valid opinion.


of course he has some legitimate gripes. you can say that about anyone on the planet; most people do have them when they work or live with other people. he may have 50 legitimate gripes about his time with the red sox, but the pay he earned and the lenience given him still stand, and they were very substantial, as was appreciation for what he accomplished here. my opinion is that the gripes would be very unlikely to match, never mind surpass, what he gained, and so the vengeful spirit seems a bit over the top. in my opinion. i also think it's pretty unsportsmanlike to complain about the team that just gave him exactly what he wanted at great cost to them. ultimately we'll probably learn that the news note was just another of boras's ploys.


i honestly don't care where manny plays next year. i really miss him here, will always be happy he was here, but sox players going to the yankees isn't new and hasn't made much of a difference, if any, the last few years.

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Manny grew up in Washington Heights, so coming back to New York would seem natural. Given Omar Minaya's penchant for old players and Latino players, I think the Mets will try to sign him.

it is kind of surprising that neither ny team has welcomed him with open arms before this, especially in 2003 when the sox placed him on waivers of all things. (back then $20 million was a lot more than it is now, eh?) i think he'd be a good fit there in many ways. his high profile in boston eventually wore on him, so i do wonder if the same thing or worse would happen in new york -- but maybe not, maybe even because it's bigger, and also his contract wouldn't be as long. if the mets get him, you will have a good time!

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