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MLB 2008 Part 3, Take 2

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I'm wracking my brain for a Manny-to-LA Photoshop job to send to bostondirtdogs. Any ideas?


The only thing I thought of today was a photoshopped version of the Platoon movie poster, changed to read "Pontoon". In a large, brightly colored font.

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Wthout making a trade we added three difference makers to the rotation. Don't get too happy.


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Negative. Looks like Matthews got his 500th homerun in a Houston uniform and I don't think Hank had reached 500 before he left. Question wasn't very clear -- I meant both guys who had already surpassed 500 homeruns batting in the same lineup.


I understood what you were going for actually -- I almost said Murray and Palmeiro for that half a season they were on the O's together but that was before Palmeiro had 500. I was actually just flat out wrong on when Matthews and Aaron hit their 500th. Oops.


Another instance of two 500 homer guys in the same line up before they hit their 500th, though, is Thome and Manny back in Cleveland. Also Ted Williams and Jimmie Foxx.

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espn's cold-hard facts about 5 minutes ago, "all these problems with manny started 1 1/2 weeks ago" ummm no maybe 8 years ago,. The real problems came when he quit on the sox in 2006. It wasn't worth the risk of having Manny quit again this year. I like the trade I just wish we could have gotten a lefty bullpen guy from somewhere.

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Substitute Manny-500-homerun-pose for Steve Martin.

Excellent idea. If you can get the shot with the fans going apeshit with their hands raised in the background, even better,

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I just realized I doubt Manny is gonna have his dirt crusted helmet any more.

oh well. maybe they can auction off his along with trot nixon's and orlando cabrera's and make a bundle for the overtime put in at next year's trade deadline or post-season free-agent gala.


p.s. does anyone know if torre will make manny cut his hair, or has torre loosened up a bit since escaping from ny?

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