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Chicago Jazz Fest...

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This one is free, features a wide range of jazz type artists, and caters to the young and old. Also this is the best line-up in many years. Check it out. In addition to the evening and day performances there is a childrens stage too. For some reason AACM type groups are prominently featured. Not sure why.





Millennium Park

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'll be there. what time are you heading down?
going to try adn get there at about 5...got a moderately big group..will save you a seat. Call me when you get there.


Should be a stone gas....I mean are you hip, can you dig it??



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going to try adn get there at about 5...got a moderately big group..will save you a seat. Call me when you get there.


Should be a stone gas....I mean are you hip, can you dig it??





I know sonny is big and all but do you think its going to be that crowded?

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I know sonny is big and all but do you think its going to be that crowded?



Yes. I believe it will be packed, as long as the weather holds up.


Sadly I will be not be able to attend tonight...Will be there for the rest of the weekend, definitely looking forward to Coleman on Sunday and Dave Douglas on Sat.

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I know sonny is big and all but do you think its going to be that crowded?
Yup...just wait and see.



Lou ill give you a buzz this weekend when I'm down there.
Okay cool.



Yes. I believe it will be packed, as long as the weather holds up.


Sadly I will be not be able to attend tonight...Will be there for the rest of the weekend, definitely looking forward to Coleman on Sunday and Dave Douglas on Sat.

Just re-reading the line-up in The Reader makes me nuts. There is so much good stuff going on it is crazy. The daytime line-ups are nearly equal to the evenings. Even if you aren't that much into jazz, there is some really great rock and improv associated stuff going on. Hell the afterfest stuff is also pretty fine. I know most people here are indie rockers, but you can't ignore what is happening with some of these musicians. Since I plan to spend all day and all night at the regular parts of the fest, I won't have energy left for that stuff. And the weather promises to be decent too.



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well i think im gonna try to get down by 5:45-6ish hope i land a decent view. This promises to be good. has anyone hear seen rollins recently?

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Yup...just wait and see.



Okay cool.



Just re-reading the line-up in The Reader makes me nuts. There is so much good stuff going on it is crazy. The daytime line-ups are nearly equal to the evenings. Even if you aren't that much into jazz, there is some really great rock and improv associated stuff going on. Hell the afterfest stuff is also pretty fine. I know most people here are indie rockers, but you can't ignore what is happening with some of these musicians. Since I plan to spend all day and all night at the regular parts of the fest, I won't have energy left for that stuff. And the weather promises to be decent too.




The afterfest at the Hungry Brain on Sat. and Sun. does sound very promising...I say I am going to hit them every year and like you I'm pretty beat when 10pm rolls around. Yet seeing Misha at the Hungry Brain will make up missing Rollins tonight...well almost.

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Anyone going down for Isotope 217 at noon and the guitar summitt after??


Last night was a gas. As one of my friends said, jazzfest is Chicago at its best, multi-racial, all ages, parents with kids, old people, young people, everyone is generally respectful and friendly and last night was mellow as could be with Rollins being in generally top form at 78 playing his ass off with a topnotch band for nearly two hours straight, no encore however. His band included a great trombone player, excellent drummer, an African (I think) percussionist (too low in the mix however) and a bass player who has worked with him for years and Bobby Broom on guitar.


He did a riff based tune (sort of modal) to start and followed that with a couple more obsure standards, a less obscure standard (In a Sentimental Mood), a calypso tune and finally a blues to finish off the night. Everyone took great solos and Sonny wandered the stage playing like a man half his age.


Great start to the fest as I said. Looks like the weather is going to be great all weekend. Tonight's AACM set should be pretty cool and even if you are not into latin jazz, Eddie Palmieri as the headliner, will change your mind. He is amazing.



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Anyone going down for Isotope 217 at noon and the guitar summitt after??


Last night was a gas. As one of my friends said, jazzfest is Chicago at its best, multi-racial, all ages, parents with kids, old people, young people, everyone is generally respectful and friendly and last night was mellow as could be with Rollins being in generally top form at 78 playing his ass off with a topnotch band for nearly two hours straight, no encore however. His band included a great trombone player, excellent drummer, an African (I think) percussionist (too low in the mix however) and a bass player who has worked with him for years and Bobby Broom on guitar.


He did a riff based tune (sort of modal) to start and followed that with a couple more obsure standards, a less obscure standard (In a Sentimental Mood), a calypso tune and finally a blues to finish off the night. Everyone took great solos and Sonny wandered the stage playing like a man half his age.


Great start to the fest as I said. Looks like the weather is going to be great all weekend. Tonight's AACM set should be pretty cool and even if you are not into latin jazz, Eddie Palmieri as the headliner, will change your mind. He is amazing.




I am heading into Chicago late tonight, and will be there Saturday. I might also be staying there Sunday to see Coleman. I wish I could see Isotope 217 and the guitar summit, but I will be unable too.


I'll call you Saturday to see if you want to meet up at some time.

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Okay, back to talking about the fest few are interested in...


I got my butt out of the house early yesterday in time to see most of Isotope 217 at the jazz on Jackson stage and I was glad I did. Atlthough they are basically Tortoise with a trumpet, it was very fun to see them and despite being the first group of the fest (not counting Sonny the night before, since this set was located in the area the rest of the fest is being held at if that makes any sense...), they had a good crowd and a nice reception. Playing the usual post-rock jazz influenced material, they were quite good and seemed to have fun. I always assumed I would never get to see them, so this was very fun for me too.


This set was followed by a guitar summit, which Jeff Parker also took part in. This set was mainly a run through of some standards by four different guitarists and Robert Shy on drums and Josh Abrams on bass. Surprisingly this set was not a disaster, which these kinds of jams can sometimes be. I was most worried about Parker himself and he seemed to muster enough non-abstract playing to fit in well enough, although of the four he stuck out the most. They ended with Caravan (with a drum solo) and the crowd went wild.


I then ambled over the the jazz heritage stage for a set by Ron Perrillo on the history of jazz, which was basically an excuse to play a bunch of piano trio material, which he did very well. In between I walked the booths, picking up a free chocolate bar and some other crap and getting some water before returning to jazz on jackson for a jazz blues set with Billy Branch, George Freeman (brother of Von), Ari Brown and Corey Wilkes. This was an enjoyable and surprisingly good set as well, considering it was also a disaster in waiting. Both Ari and Corey, musicians who are on the avant spectruum, played the blues very well.


Into the Pettrillo, I ran into an old friend and waited to be allowed to sit further down in the Petrillo, another bone headed and semi-fascist move by the city. We eventually found decent seats dead center and just back of the really reserved section so we were happy.


The first set on the main stage turned out to be rather enjoyable, a tribute to Walter Dyett, and a semi-big band playing nicely written and arranged tunes dedicated to him, featuring Juilan Priestly. Next up was a tribute to the AACM led by Thurman Barker and featuring Roscoe Mitchell and Wadada Leo Smith. Initially the numbers were incredibly mainstream for the AACM, but then they began to venture further afield with Mitchell getting some quality playing time. Nice set all in all.


Dee Dee Bridgewater was up next. Now Dee Dee seems to play the fest about every year (or maybe she doesn't I don't know) but considering she had Mulgrew Miller on piano, this set turned out to be fairly enjoyable. This was a tribute to Betty Carter, featuring her songs and stories about her and it was okay. It was also entertaining since a talented sign language interpreter was on the side, and he was a show in and of himself.


The last group was Eddie Palmieri and this was worth waiting for. His band was incredible with three percusionists (congas, timbales, bongos) and a front line of trombone, trumpet and sax. It was a lively and sadly short hour or so, but the massive crowd (yes it was crowded) enjoyed every minute.


Okay so that is it. More if I go tonight. I am not planning on going during the day I don't think.



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Did anyone hear Sonny on Thursday? I'd like to hear about it.

Maybe read this thread....I saw him. He was great. See above. What else would you like to know?? He looked and sounded great. Wasn't overwhelming but was solid and had a great backing band.



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what time are you going down tonight lou?

Not sure...5-6 maybe....kinda beat from the last couple days and not so excited about the lineup today. Looks like 5....can get you a ride.



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Maybe read this thread....I saw him. He was great. See above. What else would you like to know?? He looked and sounded great. Wasn't overwhelming but was solid and had a great backing band.



Somehow, I missed your first post. Glad to hear he's still in great form. Saw him about 9 years ago and he's incredible for a man his age -- or any age.

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Hopefully someone else made it to jazzfest yesterday. I admit I was simply too fatigued to venture down and decided to save my energy for Ornette tonight. So it goes...you can't do everything.



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