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Grant Lee Buffalo

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The best part for me was the album was on a cassette that I found in my car. No label, no nothing. I put it in and it just roared "...in the heart of Texas". I drove around for an hour just to listen.

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Dude! What kind of car? I been lookin' for that cassette for years!!

Seriously. I listened to a lot of GLB way back when. Something new would be great.

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Yep, I didn't get really into these guys until a few years ago when somehow the "Jupiter and Teardrop" song surfaced in my head and wouldn't go away. We were in Columbia, MO, that weekend to see Wilco and picked up the GLB greatest hits disc at Slacker's. I've collected just about everything of GLB and GLP since then and love it. Highly recommended.

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  Leo said:
Dude! What kind of car? I been lookin' for that cassette for years!!

Seriously. I listened to a lot of GLB way back when. Something new would be great.

I always wondered who the previous owner of my stunning 1994 Plymouth Voyager was.


By the way the front-end needs a lot of work and I have you to thank :cheers

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and in a fit of "when is grant playing again" i discover that i'll be seeing him in less than two weeks as part of the aimee mann christmas show! (thank you, rainbow chicken! :cheekkiss )

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  uwmryan said:
what is the best record(s) to start with?

I'd say Might Joe Moon, or maybe Fuzzy.


Jubilee is also good, but I'm not sure I'd start with it. Copperopolis is probably their weakest.


Or, start with some Grant-Lee Phillips solo stuff and work your way backwards. Mobilize would be a decent introduction, imo.


  Sandoz said:
(at that awesome restaurant on Haight St)!

I'm taking notes for our next trip to S.F. -- which restaurant, and is it still there?

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  cryptique said:
I'd say Might Joe Moon, or maybe Fuzzy.


Jubilee is also good, but I'm not sure I'd start with it. Copperopolis is probably their weakest.


I think Copperopolis is their second-best album (although Paul Kimball didn't do a great job with the production). Arousing Thunder, Crackdown, The Bridge, Armchair, and Bethlehem Steel are fantastic.


If I had to rank the GLB albums, they would be:


1. Mighty Joe Moon

2. Copperopolis

3. Fuzzy

4. Jubilee


I'm not particularly fond of Grant Lee Phillips' recent solo work, but I admit that Mobilize is a great album.

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