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Illinois Gov Arrested this AM

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I've always wondered if he had a piece. So fraud, perhaps.


I read the stuff in the complaint on the senate seat...he is screwed.



Nah, the hair is real.


I used to see him jog around my neighborhood, his hair flopping around every which way......followed by a fat cop on a bike, who was followed by an undercover squad car.


He smiled at me a few times and I responded with some choice words on what I thought of him and his policies. I used to love that about my old neighborhood. :shifty

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Actually it was 13% but who is counting. I am sure Blago thought supporting the Republic Window folks would help him, but not now.




Yesterday, Rod brought the Republic Window people rice cakes and water.


The man is clearly out of his mind.

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Pat Quinn is Lt. Gov and is a good honest guy.


Blago has been under investigation for years. The Trib has been particularly on his case for just about everything. The Feds have been crawling up his leg for years and the fact that he has done crazy shit while this is all going on is just amazing.



I only scanned the legal docs, but it sounded like somehow the trib and the cubs were involved? maybe they gave him something worth more than 5K. I guess i have to read the whole thing,

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I only scanned the legal docs, but it sounded like somehow the trib and the cubs were involved? maybe they gave him something worth more than 5K. I guess i have to read the whole thing,

When the Tribune put Wrigley Field up for sale, Blago tried to put conditions on financial assistance to the Tribune from the Illinois Finance Authority. Basically, he wanted some members of the Tribune's editorial board fired because they wrote nasty things about him.

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What kind of idiot goes and commits a crime knowing full well that he is under the microscope.


Looks like he was trading funding for Wrigley in exchaneg for action on unfavorable editorials. There are irregular fundraising issues involved and of course irregularities in the appointment of a new senator.


The thing is 76 pages long, but the charges are in the first eight pages with the rest being details on the investigation & stuff.

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You're right, the Trib reported 13%. The Rasmussen Report was 4%.
Actually 4% may be closer to correct in reality. I don't know too many people here who dig the guy. Things were so bad in the last election that 10% of those voting, voted for the Green Party rather than the other two parties. No one one can currently stand the guy.



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Man, I wake up and log on and this is the lead story on the Yahoo news page. Unbelievably crazy shit. Thank God the Hoosier State has honest people running their government. >

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I don't want to say anything, but if you publicly disagree with Mayor Daley on policies, stuff is going to happen to you.

Daley had little to do with this (and maybe nothing). If anything Daley can't be happy to see a fellow chicago dem hauled off by the feds. Blago got himself into this trouble by running as a reform candidate and then running a fairly dirty administration. Daley is pretty teflon, but Blago, as a newcomer was not.



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My understanding is that Daley traffics in power (which involves money for other people), not in money for himself. He had been so blatant about finding a golden parachute job for himself in exchange for favors, then he would've been nailed long ago.
This is exactly why the first Mayor Daley was so brilliant and untouchable as well. The Daleys are masters of powerbrokering and NOT taking money. Sadly Blago is a rank amateur.



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:lol From Salon.com:


President Blagojevich?


It's worth reading the entire complaint against (soon-to-be-former) Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich. Buried on page 74 of the document is a truly priceless piece of information (emphasis added):

In addition, in the course of the conversations over the last month, ROD BLAGOJEVICH has spent significant time weighing the option of appointing himself to the open Senate seat, and has expressed a variety of reasons for doing so, including frustration at being "stuck" as governor, a belief that he will be able to obtain greater resources if he is indicted as a sitting Senator as opposed to a sitting governor, and
a desire to remake his image in consideration of a possible run for President in 2016
, avoid impeachment by the Illinois legislature, make corporate contacts that would be of value to him after leaving public office, facilitate his wife's employment as a lobbyist, and assist in generating speaking fees should he decide to leave public office.

Blago '16! One possible campaign slogan, based on a quote on page 33: "Rod Blagojevich: If they don't perform, fuck 'em."

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It has been speculated for years that Blago wanted to be, if not President, at least Vice President. There was talk that he would appoint himself to Barack's seat, but that obviously wasn't going to happen since there are a couple dozen folks lining up including some rather high profile ones like Jesse Jackson Jr., Jan Shakowsky, Luis Guitierrez, Emil Jones, etc. etc. It would be really tacky to appoint yourself while you are being investigated by the feds and have such a low public rating. But then again, what they got him for was NOT stuff that had been going on for six years, but instead mostly the last six weeks.


There was just news conference with the Feds and what was said was pretty amazing. Logging off to go work in the field.....have fun with this.



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Did any of these articles state whether or not he still has the power to declare Barack's successor? Depending on how not classy he is, he can still use his governor powers, right? Maybe he'll tell the judge that he'll appoint him senator if the judge lets him go.

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I believe he would still have that power unless he resigned or was impeached.




I think you're right, though resignation or impeachment must be coming soon. Also, if he tried to appoint someone right now, who in their right mind would accept that appointment? It would be immediately tainted. I would imagine that any of the serious candidates for it are probably waiting for Quinn to take over at this point.

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