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Just got an email from a fellow music geek friend the other day, extolling the virtues of this record.

It's not his usual kind of thing, and he admits as much. At the same time, he calls it a "masterpiece".


Just looking for other thoughts/discussion about Graham's solo output.

Whaddya think of it, and of this record, in particular?

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Rhino just put out a Graham Nash Boxset. I have never been into his songs all that much. And I certainly don't think his stuff his better than his band mates.

I do, however, like the song I Used To Be A King. I've never heard the album version, only live versions.


Graham Nash - Reflections (boxset)

Songs for Beginners[CD/DVD-Audio] re-master

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Rhino just put out a Graham Nash Boxset. I have never been into his songs all that much. And I certainly don't think his stuff his better than his band mates.

I do, however, like the song I Used To Be A King. I've never heard the album version, only live versions.


Graham Nash - Reflections (boxset)

Songs for Beginners[CD/DVD-Audio] re-master


If you like I Used To Be A King, then you'd like the album - that's on songs for beginners. Now, I wouldn't say any of his other albums are that great, maybe Wild Tales is good too, but songs for beginners really is a brilliant album. honestly. that boxset is too expensive to be worth getting, especially when his other albums aren't as worth having.

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Is it worth ponying up the extra cash for the remaster?

I don't have a great stereo system (just a CD boom box, and my car stereo), so is the sound that much better on the CD remaster and are the extras on the DVD (are there any?) so great that I should pay twice the price?

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it's dvd audio, not a dvd film. i don't think you'll get a copy of the album without being remastered - unless people are selling off their old versions, because up until it was remastered it was reasonably hard to find a copy on cd.


the remaster is much much better in sound than the old cd version. i'd say definately pay a bit extra for it, if you ask me.

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Like The Beatles, I think their strength is all of them working together. The first CSN album is probably my favorite album of all time, and I know that it would not be what it is without Graham Nash. I may check that album out at some point. He is also very involved in photography, and, was in The Hollies (for those who did not know). I have read that he is putting together a Stills boxset, which is odd, as Stills is not one to give up control to anyone.


Crosby Stills Nash & Young - You Don't Have to Cry

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I've always loved the first Crosby/Nash album - Graham has some really good tunes on that LP.

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Life is too short and there are too many other good bands for me to listen to the Graham Nash Box set. I always liked his songs least of the bunch. Not much for his Hollies work either.

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it's a brilliant album. better than anything CSN&Y have done, and whilst not as good as Neil Young - it's better than all the others put together.


plus Neil Young plays piano on it.


plus this song is on it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1Ku6LqFrio


plus ... oh just get it and have a listen. (it's been remastered recently)



NO WAY is it better than Deja Vu!!

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OK, I'll give this a listen sometime to see if it changes my opinion of him.


I've never been a fan of Nash -- he always seemed like the lightweight in CSNY to me, and I hate most of the songs he contributed to CSN/CSNY albums (e.g., "Teach Your Children," "Our House," "Marrakesh Express," etc.).


That said, I recently picked up a copy of the Crosby & Nash album Wind On The Water, and it's pretty good, including (most of) Nash's songs. So, I'll give the guy a chance.

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NO WAY is it better than Deja Vu!!


definately better than deja vu. i don't know . . . i just don't like that album so much - there's something quite annoying about it, that i can't put my finger on. i'd be willing to say maybe not as good as 'crosby, stills & nash', though - depending on what mood i'm in.

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Like The Beatles, I think their strength is all of them working together. The first CSN album is probably my favorite album of all time, and I know that it would not be what it is without Graham Nash. I may check that album out at some point. He is also very involved in photography, and, was in The Hollies (for those who did not know). I have read that he is putting together a Stills boxset, which is odd, as Stills is not one to give up control to anyone.


Crosby Stills Nash & Young - You Don't Have to Cry


I am thrilled to see someone else really love that first CSN album, I have fond memories of stealing that out of my Dad's CD collection and listening to it repeatedly the summer between my eight and ninth grade years. It's an incredible record, and my favorite thing they've done.


I also strongly recommend Songs for Beginners and Crosby's If I Could Only Remember My Name is fantastic as well.



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i've not no never had the urge to hear that, cos the person i least like, from the byrds, and then in csn-csn&y, was always crosby. what's it like? is it standard crosby, or something else?

It's pretty standard Crosby ... but I like Crosby. There's a little too much of the hippie atmospherics (Crosby fucking around with his voice and a multitrack recorder), but it's a good listen.


You don't like him? I love the guy. He's got the best voice of the four, and has written some amazing tunes. When I saw CSNY a couple years ago, he was a pleasant surprise -- still has every bit of his voice, which I did not expect.

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i've not no never had the urge to hear that, cos the person i least like, from the byrds, and then in csn-csn&y, was always crosby. what's it like? is it standard crosby, or something else?


WAAAAAAAAAY too many drugs were consumed during the recording of that album.

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do you like it then?


see, i love the first album - but, something just went wrong, to my ears, with the next one.


I do - but not as much as the CSN album. I really like Neil's song Country Girl. Which he supposedly does not care all that much for, due to all of the overdubs. I don't care much for Teach Your Children (except for Jerry's pedal steel).


Speaking of David Crosby, he has his boat for sale.


Besides 4 Way Street, and the boxset, I have never owned any of their other albums, or solo albums (except for all the Neil Young albums I own, that is).

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He registers off the charts on the wussdar, though in weaker moments I've enjoyed 'our house'and 'teach the children,on some level. If you dig any of the CSN guys don't ever read there biography, never have 3 bigger Dbags existed at one time and place on earth, of course this is an overblown exageration but I was left feeling something like that. I exclude Neil, because Neil is simply captain cool, and Crosby was probably alright, at least to party with. But I have heard that 'songs for beginners' is the standout of all the CSN solo releases, but I say check out anything from Doug Sahm instead!

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He registers off the charts on the wussdar, though in weaker moments I've enjoyed 'our house'and 'teach the children,on some level. If you dig any of the CSN guys don't ever read there biography, never have 3 bigger Dbags existed at one time and place on earth, of course this is an overblown exageration but I was left feeling something like that. I exclude Neil, because Neil is simply captain cool, and Crosby was probably alright, at least to party with. But I have heard that 'songs for beginners' is the standout of all the CSN solo releases, but I say check out anything from Doug Sahm instead!


Just read the part in Dylan's chronicles where Dylan and Crosby go to Princeton to pick up Dylan's honorary degree. He said something along the likes of Crosby not getting along with many people but he liked him. He does have an amazing voice. What blows me away about Crosby is his ability to hit that middle harmony to where his voice almost disappears in the mix. It's pretty easy to pick out Stills and Nash. Hitting that middles 3rd is a very difficult thing to do and he is about as good as it gets. Amazing voice.


I love the early CSNY stuff.

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i have a live show of marc ford & chris robinson (malibu 2001) and they cover 'used to be a king'. it's an amazing version. song for beginner's is ok. i was a big csn&y fan back in my college/pot days. not so much anymore though.

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