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New Califone Record!!!!!!!!!!!!

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They just finished mixing and our going to announce a title and tracklisting soon too!


I can't wait!


I know there was a Red Red Meat show tonight at the Empty Bottle and tomorrow, and I guess they are also playing at SxSW at the SubPop showcase.



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I ran into JIm Becker at Lauries a couple days ago and he said the album would be out in the fall. Seems like a long time. Jim has been out of commission for a few months due to a mugging last fall. I suppose I shouldn't talk about this more than I have but he was injured badly. Luckily he seems pretty good.



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Great news about the album. Terrible news about the mugging.


Is it just me, or does this seem to be happening more frequently? Artists getting mugged, having their equipment stolen, etc. Maybe I'm just paying more attention to these things.

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I got the updates about the Red Red Meat shows on Facebook last month.


Sorry to hear of Jim Becker's troubles.


This is indeed awesome news about a new Califone record. I have wondered over the past couple years if we would ever hear from these guys again. :wub

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  LouieB said:
I ran into JIm Becker at Lauries a couple days ago and he said the album would be out in the fall. Seems like a long time. Jim has been out of commission for a few months due to a mugging last fall. I suppose I shouldn't talk about this more than I have but he was injured badly. Luckily he seems pretty good.




That's terrible especially after what happened to them in 2004 if I remember correctly because I believe they got most of their equipment stolen.

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Both of these bands seem always on the verge of breaking-up/continuing on. RRM has gotten some fairly significant PR around here lately. Sadly I didn't see them back in the day and keep missing them now.


Jim Becker also is working on an album with his own group, which should be out "sometime." Considering the extent of the mugging, he is lucky to still be with us.



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I, for one, am psyched! When I think of great bands that VC has introduced me to Califone is at the top of the list. I LOVE this band.

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  Wendy said:
Wow, this is a weird thread - all at once I'm happy for new Califone tunes but also mortified at the violence one of the band members experienced. :w00t :realmad
Yea, hearing about it was pretty upsetting. Jim was walking someone home (a female friend) when this happened. Amazingly Jim is okay and the attempted robbery didn't come off as planned by the assailant.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thought I would bump this after seeing Pitchfork review the reissue of Red Red Meat's Bunny Gets Paid. I've only started delving into the Califone back catalog and was wondering if this was a good place to start for Red Red Meat. Or if I should just go to the beginning. From reading the review, it seems Bunny Gets Paid was a bit of a departure from the earlier stuff.


All thoughts appreciated. :cheers

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At the time they were still together Jimmywine Majestic was the album people really liked. It has a Stones type feel. Bunny sounds much more like Califone to me. Until it is reissued it is hard to find, whereas Jimmywine is pretty available.

They only put out four albums so, not alot to choose from.



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Thanks for bumping this, I missed this thread when I was gone for a week. New Califone has me wicked excited :dancing :dancing :dancing


The mugging is terrible, glad he's alright now though. Or as well as you can be.


I'll probably make this reissue my intro to Red Red Meat, once I have a little more money in my pockets...but I plan to get the full back catalog anyway.

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  LouieB said:
At the time they were still together Jimmywine Majestic was the album people really liked. It has a Stones type feel. Bunny sounds much more like Califone to me. Until it is reissued it is hard to find, whereas Jimmywine is pretty available.

They only put out four albums so, not alot to choose from.




Thanks for the info. :thumbup

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  LouieB said:
What's crazy?




I was referring to Jim getting mugged. I meant "crazy" as in something I can't wrap my brain around. Poor Jim. Such a nice guy, too.

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