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Wilco -- 4/6/09, Barcelona, Spain

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Friends of mine wanted to visit Barcelona and I asked them to wait until Wilco ...

The Spanish audience was great and they know how to applaud! Quite different from the Belgium or Dutch (that's me) audience I'm used to.

I was lucky to see Nels Cline before the show. He gave his autograph standing before the artist entree. I got the last one before he went inside again.

What a setlist! I got the impression that "Impossible Germany" was surely one of the highlights of the show (and for the Spanish audience). For me, I never heared "Jesus, Etc" this perfect!

Only one song of the new album. I hope for a few more during the performence at Pukkelpop in Belgium! See you in August, Wilco!

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can someone describe how BBN is sounding live? is it much different from the album version? does Jeff scream "pick up!" more than just twice? is it fantastic?

The performances have varied a little bit in the details. Listening to the recorded version again today, I definitely notice that it sounds fuller live. I think Jeff has some sort of vocal processing going on for the song, too - it doesn't smack you in the face, but I don't think I was imagining it.


The ending might go on a little longer than it does on the album, but there's no five-minute jam or anything. Just very intense guitar playing. I think it was in Málaga that Nels broke a string or two and briefly wrapped the broken string around his neck while playing. Yikes! I think the "pick up" parts at the end will probably vary from performance to performance. Most times Jeff did it twice. Once he added a third. Another time he just screamed some more after the second. It's a work in progress, like all songs when they're just starting to be played. I love it already, but I'm interested to see how it might change over time, too.


I'm pretty sure this is going to be a live staple for the foreseeable future, so if you're seeing Wilco, you'll see Bull Black Nova.


Regarding the Barcelona show, it was a really interesting venue and a great city to end the tour. I was also a little bit surprised at only one new song. You Never Know was on the printed setlist, but it looked like they deviated from that a bit at the end.


Xavi and Ana, if you read this, it was great meeting you and thanks so much for your hospitality!

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