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Jeff Mangum's new project

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Nesey Gallons could be real good. That Circulatory System record is good, too. Probably not as good (to me) as their first one.


And sort of a stretch to call it Jeff Mangum's new project. He is much less involved this go 'round than he was the last time, where he toured with them and everything.

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I didn't know he had one or that it had leaked until now. I saw him on that Holiday Surprise tour and liked what I heard, so I'll go check it out. My favorite new E6 thing of late is an album called Love It Love It by Nana Grizol. Not sure why exactly, but I like that record a lot.

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I didn't know he had one or that it had leaked until now. I saw him on that Holiday Surprise tour and liked what I heard, so I'll go check it out. My favorite new E6 thing of late is an album called Love It Love It by Nana Grizol. Not sure why exactly, but I like that record a lot.


The Nana Grizol album is actually quite good and I warmed up to it after repeated listens. I hated his (Theo or whatever his name is) other band Zumm Zumm with a passion. I saw them open and then play with the Music Tapes back in March and was impressed. In fact, they seemed to have more fans in the audience than the Music Tapes did. People knew the words to their songs and were yelling out requests. I thought it was strange because I had never heard of them before that night.


Nesey Gallon's album is called Eyes & Eyes & Eyes Ago and doesn't come out until September on vinyl (same day as the CS album) but it has apparently been out for a while too.

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Am I the only one who would rather see a new OTC album over a new Jeff Mangum album?


I find myself listening to Cubist Castle and BFA far more than Aeroplane (or Avery Island, for that matter).


Cubist is easily my second favorite Elephant 6 release (behind Aeroplane), I don't always have the patience to make it all the way through the Typewriter suite, but there are 10-12 amazing songs on the record. But while I prefer OTC's sound is excellent, I don't always have the emotional connection to the songs that I do with Aeroplane. Still according to my ipod there are 6-7 songs on Cubist Castle I've listened to more than everything on Aeroplane, but it's very rare that I'll just listen to a single song from Aeroplane, I always play it the entire way through.


Still I haven't answered your question, if I had to pick two bands that I'd like to see put out an album again, NMH and OTC would probably be 1a. and 1b. or 1b. and 1c. to Loose Fur's 1a.



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There's also:

Jeff Mangum - Live At Jittery Joe's



Jeff Mangum's Live at Jittery Joe's sees the Neutral Milk Hotel mastermind performing alone on an Athens, GA, stage, his voice accompanied only by his acoustic guitar and a mostly indifferent live audience. Recorded between the release of On Avery Island and In the Aeroplane Over the Sea, the album features Mangum's "greatest hits" from the debut album, blueprints for the sophomore album, and a touching, fragile cover of Phil Spector's "I Love How You Love Me." For the most part, Mangum's voice is strikingly captured, sounding remarkably similar to its sonic counterpart on Neutral Milk Hotel's studio albums. Stripped of the bombastic, genius fuzz of the Neutral Milk Hotel albums, Mangum sounds eerily similar to the Mountain Goats' John Darnielle here. Like Darnielle, Mangum attacks his guitar with wrenching abandon and affects a vocal delivery of significant emotion, his voice frequently cracking from strain. Though the album is fascinating listening for fans of Neutral Milk Hotel and somewhat revelatory in the emotional recreation of Mangum's best songs, the performance and its hiss-encumbered recording suffer from a certain lack of focus. Mangum performs with no set list, instead allowing a small audience of friends to choose the songs, making for frequent extended segments of silence and tedious asides. It's also evident that a large portion of the audience is simply chatting away, which adds to the live flavor, but detracts from the performance. The Quicktime video data track of the concert is somewhat haunting, especially when it focuses on a small child sitting on the stage. Strangely, Magnum is almost entirely obscured by shadows for the duration of the performance. Live at Jittery Joe's is a compelling, interesting, and somewhat frustrating glimpse into the mind and art of one of indie rock's greatest artists.



And also this:


Which is a 4-song EP. Only contains 2 "real" songs, though.


And, I do have a few bedroom demos, if any of y'all are interested.

It's not much, but it's something.

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Lately I find any OTC record too much of an intellectual exercise to enjoy. I still like Cubist Castle but not as much as I used to. I have to be in a certain mood or head space to be able to digest their records.


My top 3 E6 records are as follows:

1. NMH - In the Aeroplane Over the Sea

2. Beulah - When Your Heartstring Breaks

3. Elf Power - When the Red King Comes

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