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The Bangles - The Bangles

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I saw this at Half Price Books over the weekend and regretted not being able to pull the trigger. (My turntable isn't set up, and they were asking $25. On top of the fact that I just can't spend that on an EP right now.)


Anyone have this? Share your thoughts and whatnot?



Miles away from the L.A. soft rock paranoia of Everything or the over-produced pop gems of their second album, Different Light, the Bangles' self-titled debut EP is a rough and ready, heavily '60s-sounding record. Produced by David Leon, the five tracks have a raw, live feel and are very similar to their first single, "Getting out of Hand." The EP only took a few days to record but half a year to release and the early Bangles lineup included Annette Zilinkas on bass instead of Michael Steele. "Want You" opens up with the familiar Bangles layered vocal harmonies, but is a rather punky affair reminiscent of the Seeds; Vicki Peterson, who always came up with the rockier tunes in the band's subsequent albums, unsurprisingly wrote it. "How Is the Air up There" is a cover of a punk classic originally penned by New Zealand 's the La De Das and the poppy and perky "Mary Street" offers glimpses of the Bangles' future sound and displays their more-than-capable songwriting abilities. Drummer Debbi Peterson said that they wanted the record to have a garage-sounding quality, so it is quite ironical to think that only four years later the girls were about to become one of the most successful chart groups of the '80s with their slickly produced synth pop. Immature sounding in places, The Bangles EP is very much an introduction to their fine first album, All Over the Place. Not as widely available as their other recordings, this EP is still well worth checking out by fans eager to discover the roots of the female quartet.

4.5 Stars

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I have never heard any of this, but I would be interested in it, too. I saw them with my wife about two or three years ago, and Susanna Hoffs still looks amazing, and sounds good too. I have not seen very women age as well as her. She was (and is) gorgeous.

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There first full length LP is excellent. I have never seen the EP. LP number two is less good, but not bad. Glad to hear Susanna is still looking good.


(Meanwhile the LPs themselves don't cost $25 and are not very difficult to find.)



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weren't they called The Bangs originally?





edit - Ethan James was producer for that record, and i just found out that he was also in Blue Cheer. cool.




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Robbie Fulks wrote a great song in tribute to the Bangles....it is better with the actual tune.




A long time ago in south California, oh oh way oh

In the land of the tall jacaranda, oh whoa-da way oh.

Lived a girl group singing pop-rock favorites, oh oh way oh

So good that they soon got famous, oh whoa-da way oh.


Their sound and looks I liked the first time I saw them

When the little one took the mike, I knew I'd fallen


I like the Bangle girl/She's too groovy

I love the way she sings and I/I saw her movie.

I like the Bangle girl/And I'm not joking

I wanna be her friend, and there's/No harm in hoping.


Some say a good singer's got to be angry, oh oh way oh

But the Bangle girl sings good and she's not angry, oh whoa-da way oh.

Some say the Bangle girl's a slave to the camera, oh oh way-oh

But her song's gonna stand like the tall jacaranda, oh whoa-da way oh.


I'd show her books I've read/I'd play her my records

I'd listen to the things she said/I so respect her.

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