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The 70's Soul thread

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I just bought this album off of Amazon:



I have several tracks from him on the two Rabbit Factory "Birmingham Sound" collections (including a demo version of "I've Been Lonely For So Long"), and his tunes are consistently the best things on there... either the ones that he sings, or his tunes that are sung by others.


This is just too damn good.

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I have a box set called "Love Train: The Sound of Philadelphia" which spans the 70's (including a couple late 60's and early 80's). It heavily features the Dephonics, the O'Jays, Lou Rawls, and so many others. There is nothing like the sound of 70's soul for smoothing out the day's rough spots! (It doesn't hurt if you cut your musical teeth on AM radio, either.)

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I posted the below links in the Jazz section a while ago.



Thirteen.org has episodes of the 60s/70s Soul program.


Here is the Soul! Episode List, 1968-1973.

Thanks, Calvino. :cheers


I've always had a soft spot for this music. Something even as potentially cheesy as "If you don't know me by now, you will never ever ever know me" just gets me every time.

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just been having a think about this, and here's a few of my favourites from the 70s. to be honest, i think the 60s was slightly better, well the early 70s is great, it just gets a little too polished by the very late 70s for my taste.



from his best album (just before he went to hi records) memphis unlimited

(this is actually the sort of sound i'd love to hear wilco try - listen to that fuckin' rhythm section!)


then there is this album



can't find any youtube clips for any of the songs - but it's a fantastic album. his last great one, until he came back again all those years later.

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