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I'm digging it! I've been anxiously awaiting a follow up to "Acid Tongue" which I thought was one of the best records of that year. This isn't exactly what I was hoping for but it's pretty great nonetheless! I'm seeing them at Maxwell's in Hoboken next month which is a TINY club for them. It must hold like 150 people max.

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I'm digging it! I've been anxiously awaiting a follow up to "Acid Tongue" which I thought was one of the best records of that year. This isn't exactly what I was hoping for but it's pretty great nonetheless! I'm seeing them at Maxwell's in Hoboken next month which is a TINY club for them. It must hold like 150 people max.


I'd love to see any show there someday. One of my favorite live Wilco recordings is from there back in late 1995...

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I caught Jenny and Johnny on their stop in Carborro at the Cat's Cradle last week. It was on a whim-- I didn't have their album at that point, but I figured I couldn't go wrong with a Jenny Lewis project, right? It was loads of fun. They seemed to really enjoy themselves and although the set of originals were short, there were covers such as "Love Hurts" and one or two more whose names escape me now. The show concluded with an impromptu choir plucked from the crowd of people who claimed to *know* the song "Acid Tongue". They joined J+J onstage for the song and for a bunch of amateurs (the crowd singers, that is) it sounded good.


I picked up their disc "I'm Having Fun Now" for a measly $10 and it's been riding in the car with me pretty much ever since. Such a fun pop record for late summer/early fall. I think I'm going to play it really loud right now.




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I really like parts of the album but was bored in other places. I don't think I've spent enough time with it yet to know for sure whether it will be an album I go back to often. Acid Tongue took awhile to sink in for me, too, and I like it much more two years later than I did when it first came out.


They're opening for Phoenix at a show here in a few weeks. I have no interest in seeing Phoenix but may go just because I want to hear Jenny Lewis's voice in person. That's probably worth $20 to me, and I can leave after they're done and get home for my responsible adult school year bedtime.

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i was very non-plussed by their opening slot for Pavement.


but i don't really get Rilo Kiley either.



yeah I saw them open for Pavement in Brooklyn and thought they sucked royal. I like her much better with Rilo Kiley or solo.


The record is available to stream here at NPR



Jenny Lewis is a sex goddess.


Love this record.




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