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Guiltless non pleasures

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Excellent piece from Simon Reynolds,




I can empathise with this given that I have been literally hung drawn and quartered in another corner of this forum for the heinous ctime of never hearing a single Beatles album.So whats your "guiltless non pleasure"?


ps, for those of you not aware of Simon Reynolds, he is a well respected UK music journalist now based in the US who wrote for Melody Maker and Uncut amongst others.




He has also written several books on music.





Also some guy had never heard Nevermind until recently, Like me with The Beatles though, I bet he knew every song from that album inside out, unless he never listened to the radio either!!



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good golly gosh and heavens above, for somebody with literally squillions of posts (where do get the time, i literally only have seconds a day to pop in to forums like this ?), you really shouldn't get upset over this sort of thing.

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I think it's far from an excellent piece. Being willfully ignorant and then condemning the very thing that you choose not to experience for yourself is a pretty stupid way to go through life. So, in your case, railing against The Beatles just because you can or taking some perverse pleasure in not ever seeing a certain movie that a lot of people enjoy strikes me as immature and dumb.

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I don't think people 'literally' hung the OP for not having heard a Beatles album. That debate has been had on this site, in a mature manor, before. I think it was the dismissal of Beatles singles as 'drivel' (or some such statement)that caused the 'hanging'.


As stated above, by BO, announcing and taking pleasure in disliking (or not hearing) popular works seems a bit childish.

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There was a kid in highschool who bragged about never having read a book. Chump.


I think every school had one. I knew a kid that would immediately dismiss an artists most popular album on principle and declare the best one to be an obsure release.


I think it was meant to prove that he knew more about music that everyone else. However, all it really proved was that he was a knob.


I did agree with him that Harvest was not Neil Young's best album. I disagreed with him that 'Re-Ac-Tor' was!





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Wait, this is about well-accepted "greats" that you don't personally like? There's nothing inherently wrong with that; it's called personal taste. I could probably pull dozens of well-known "greats" that don't do much for me.


But what you did in the other thread was dismissed The Beatles as "drivel" despite never having listened to them beyond radio/tv osmosis. That's very different than saying "I gave them a try, but still don't care for them." One is an informed opinion; the other isn't.

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Wait, this is about well-accepted "greats" that you don't personally like? There's nothing inherently wrong with that; it's called personal taste. I could probably pull dozens of well-known "greats" that don't do much for me.



At last somebody almost gets it. its called having an opinion and not running with the herd . not because its cool to hate popular acts, (if that was the case i wouldn't like the smiths, radiohead,bowie and dylan amongst others), but because you just really dont like it. Are some people on here really so dumb to think you can't form an opinion on The Beatles without having heard an album? I grew up in 60/70's Britain, they were freaking EVERYWHERE!!

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I think it's far from an excellent piece. Being willfully ignorant and then condemning the very thing that you choose not to experience for yourself is a pretty stupid way to go through life. So, in your case, railing against The Beatles just because you can or taking some perverse pleasure in not ever seeing a certain movie that a lot of people enjoy strikes me as immature and dumb.


I didn't realise that " railing against The Beatles just because you can" was outlawed. Do you like every band, have you never slagged off any bands on here, or amongst friends? Or is it just the sainted Beatles that are sacrosanct?


Please point out to me where myself and the other two posters showed "some perverse pleasure" in pointing out we hadn't seen a few films. What language did we use to display this emotion?


You have never been at a party/pub while a Beatles album was playing, even in the background? I highy doubt that.



Nope, I didn't hang out with the cool crowd obviously :-)

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I didn't realise that " railing against The Beatles just because you can" was outlawed. Do you like every band, have you never slagged off any bands on here, or amongst friends? Or is it just the sainted Beatles that are sacrosanct?


Please point out to me where myself and the other two posters showed "some perverse pleasure" in pointing out we hadn't seen a few films. What language did we use to display this emotion?


It isn't outlawed. I have a few friends that don't like The Beatles. It isn't a problem. It leads to some fun and interesting discussion. The point you seem to be missing is that you gleefully mentioned how you hate The Beatles without ever having listened to an album. And your smug tone regarding anything about The Beatles demonstrates how you take great pleasure in being this contrarian voice, so I simply ascribed that to your post about the movies you haven't seen.


Any band or movie or book or television show that I say I don't like is purely a result of my experience with it. It makes little sense to form an opinion on something I haven't experienced just to attempt to rile people up about it.

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It isn't outlawed. I have a few friends that don't like The Beatles. It isn't a problem. It leads to some fun and interesting discussion. The point you seem to be missing is that you gleefully mentioned how you hate The Beatles without ever having listened to an album. And your smug tone regarding anything about The Beatles demonstrates how you take great pleasure in being this contrarian voice, so I simply ascribed that to your post about the movies you haven't seen.


Any band or movie or book or television show that I say I don't like is purely a result of my experience with it. It makes little sense to form an opinion on something I haven't experienced just to attempt to rile people up about it.



Are some of you people just being wilfully obtuse? Or do you and others seriously think that over the last 40 plus years I havent heard nearly every Beatles song countless times DESPITE not hearing an album? They were UNAVOIDABLE!!


His "point" is that he's "heard" all the Beatles albums without ever actively "listening" to them. Or something.


Thank you, thank you , thank you.

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How many times have you heard "Sexy Sadie?" "Long, Long, Long?" "She said she said?" "Don't Pass me By?" "Two of Us?" Countless times? Literally countless?


let's be fair. you can't ask him to name how many times if it's literally countless.

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