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I just got my Flaming Lips pink fetus MP3 stick in the mail. Definitely can't eat this thing, the thought is not only criminal because it is such a cool presentation but also nauseating, but thought they said there would be a download site I could go to if I opted not to eat my way throught to the songs. Anyone buy this and get the alt download site?

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No doubt, but cannot eat a gummy fetus just out of principle, It does smell good though. After listening to King of Lambs a couple of times the Lips bumped Radiohead from my number two band (Wilco still first after Whole Love} Like the concept of releasing a bunch of singles, even though there is no way in hell I will make it to the end of the 24 hour single they put out. I have an assignment in Texas on the 2nd, and with the wife in kids going to Jackson Hole to ski the entire week I will find a way to se ethe Lips Freakout on New Years eve and New Years Day.

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  • 5 months later...

Two sides to every story and all that but he sure comes off looking like a jerk there

I follow Wayne Coyne's Twitter and it's just an utter mess. He keeps on retweeting people that are basically saying "Erykah Badu should be glad that Wayne brought her back into relevance", "it's only a music video", and "Coyne and Badu should collaborate again for something wicked with this drama." It's just a mess because Wayne's just feeding off his own and his fans horrible rationalization. And it's pretty sad just watching Coyne feed his own rationalizations to himself and not admit any wrongdoing and feeding his followers some of the polarizing and hateful retweets when he claims it's all about "love, love, love."


Badu probably overreacted. But if what she's saying is right, Wayne could stand to lose a lot in the courtroom with that breach of contract.


This doesn't sit well with me.

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I agree.


I found the song fairly ordinary, though.


I think the song is great.


I love the direction the Flaming Lips have been going since Embryonic, which by the way is my favorite album of theirs. They have always been weird and experimental, but now they have gone complete acid/noise rock.


I hope they keep in this direction, and really look forward to their new album (supposedly) later this year.

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Ms. Badu, responding to a question about the children who were nearby when she was stripping in public for her 2010 video:


I didn't think about them until I saw them, and in my mind I tried to telepathically communicate my good intent to them. That's all I could do, and I hoped they wouldn't be traumatized.



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