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help my friend win avett brothers tickets on Facebook?

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hey guys,


i don't normally petition for things like this, but a really good friend of mine wants to go see the avett brothers sold out show here in chattanooga on friday. i've posted to the wall of the venue to try to win tickets for her (the post with the most "likes" wins the tickets) and could really use help/support.


my friend Ashley is a huge Avetts fan, and she couldn't afford the tickets. Her family has a lot of financial struggles, and she's kinda got it rough. Winning these tickets would be a real blessing for her. She's not been to many concerts, and I know it would mean the world to her to get to go.


i posted on the venue's wall on Facebook and you can find it here: https://www.facebook.com/Track29


My avatar on Facebook is the same as here so it should be easy to find.


Thanks for any and all help, VC!


EDIT- my friend ashley bell made her own post, so like that one instead of mine!!



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Thank you guys so much! I think she is currently in 2nd place. Please pass her story on to friends on Facebook if you can. She told me she hasn't seen a show since she was a kid. It would mean so so so much to her (and me too) if she wins.

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also, here is a direct link:



if it would be faster and more convenient.


For a friend of the long time member of the community, it wasn't inconvenient to begin with.

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Wow! So some anonymous donor gave my friend Avett tickets!! I am so excited for her. :) Things like this make me proud of fan communities.


A big smile from Crow here.


Sometimes, people can be pretty fucking cool.

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