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Sidemen stepping out front and NAILING it!

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This is a place to talk about the albums released by folks that you generally think of as sidemen/women who have released albums where they took the lead/front role and just knocked it out of the park.


The #1 that comes to mind for me is:
Ron Wood - I've Got My Own Album to Do

A bona fide classic, and it should be recognized as such. Son Volt did a great cover of the song that I posted here, but there is so much more to the record than just "Mystifies Me." Just about every song is great. Sits in that sweet spot between The Stones and The Faces. 



Lay your picks on us all!!!

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It's been so long that he's been his own man, I nearly forgot that Eno was originally just the weirdo working in the shadows of Roxy Music, making weird noises and stuff.


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This is tough to know what constitues a "sideman" but.....


Daniel Ash/David J - Love and Rockets

Peter Tosh


Herbie Hancock

Phil Collins

Mick Jones (Big Audio Dynamite)


Do George Harrison and Lee Renaldo count?

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This is a place to talk about the albums released by folks that you generally think of as sidemen/women who have released albums where they took the lead/front role and just knocked it out of the park.


The #1 that comes to mind for me is:

Ron Wood - I've Got My Own Album to Do

A bona fide classic, and it should be recognized as such. Son Volt did a great cover of the song that I posted here, but there is so much more to the record than just "Mystifies Me." Just about every song is great. Sits in that sweet spot between The Stones and The Faces. 



Lay your picks on us all!!!


I had no idea "Mystifies Me" was a Ron Wood tune. I learned something new today.


That drummer guy from Nirvana.



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Joe Walsh was the lead guitarist of the James Gang. He was only hired as a sideman of the Eagles later.



Ok. I didn't know that. But Henley and Frey were in Linda Ronstandt's band before forming the Eagles and then going solo themselves; is that correct?
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Ok. I didn't know that. But Henley and Frey were in Linda Ronstandt's band before forming the Eagles and then going solo themselves; is that correct?

Well they were sidemen to her, in that she was already an establish solo artist.  But they were bands after that and finally the Eagles.  I would say that Joe Walsh is a sideman in the Eagles I guess.


Much of this thread isn't making sense.  Was George Harrison a member of the Beatles or was he hired as the guitar player? 


The more apt example is from the definition given above.  So Lester Young was hired by Count Basie to play sax, Lester also was a sideman for Billie Holiday.  He eventually went on to become famous in his own right.  Duke Ellington hired many musicians to be in his orchestra who became famous on their own.  Dizzy Gillespie and Charlie Parker were sideman for Billy Eckstine, etc. etc. 


Jeff Tweedy hired Nels Cline for his band (really along with everyone else I suppose) but now we think of them as being members of the band.  George Harrison was pretty much part of the Beatles from the beginning.  I guess the definition of sideman in rock is somewhat different than that in jazz (or blues or country or just about any other form of music) because much of the time a group of musicians come together to form a band, rather than one person starts a band and hires the rest,



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I guess lots and lots of people who played with Miles Davis; I suppose most notably - Coltrane.

Exactly.  Miles hired Coltrane (fired and rehired him).  Trane was at Miles beck and call. See above.




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Joe Walsh was the lead guitarist of the James Gang.  He was only hired as a sideman of the Eagles later.




Maybe we need another thread: Front men who became side men.

Joe Walsh

Neal Cassel

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Jeff Tweedy

Not a sideman in UT. He sang and wrote a good portion of the songs, just as Mick Jones was NOT a sideman in The Clash (who somebody mentioned earlier), but wrote and sang a good portion of their tunes.

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Not a sideman in UT. He sang and wrote a good portion of the songs, just as Mick Jones was NOT a sideman in The Clash (who somebody mentioned earlier), but wrote and sang a good portion of their tunes.

I respectully disagree, it may depend on what you consider a 'good portion'. Overall, I tend to skip Jay's songs and then, suddenly,...therecord ends...

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