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How many concerts do you attend in a normal year?

How many shows a year do you attend?  

37 members have voted

  1. 1. How many concerts do you see in an average year?

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Yeah, kids, age, will do that. My wife and I were at Dr. Dog the other night and remarked that the crowds seem to get drunker and stupider every year. Talking, acting like jackasses, shoving people aside to get to the front. Either I am getting older and less tolerant, or concert goer's are indeed getting more doucheyer.


I probably go to about 4 or 5 shows a year.

I feel the same way. One reason I enjoyed Solid Sound so much was the complete absence of douches. At least I didn't see any - except for that Foxygen kid.
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I used to be a 50+ show a year guy. But kids, family, etc., has decreased this drastically. I also have found that as I am getting older it is more difficult for me to stand for shows with any more than two bands before my feet and back start hurting. I also found myself leaving shows early out of boredom -- a definite sign that too much is too much. And lastly, I am too easily annoyed by drunks, talkers, space invaders, and other assholes who tend to suck the pleasure out of the listening/viewing experience.


10-20 shows a year for me anymore, and very selective about which ones I attend.

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Usually in the low 20s, but this year I broke 30 for the first time. (And I only count professional bands, not my friends and other truly local acts.)

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I keep a log.  24 last year, 21 so far this year.  For Festivals, I count each festival day as 1.  i.e,. Solid Sound, I count as 3.  For Jazzfest, I count a day at the Fairgrounds as 1, and then any late night shows as another.  Not bad for middle age, though weeknight shows are getting harder and harder.  Someone mentioned living in NYC and the availability of music, my (older than me) buddy racked up over 160 shows last year.



Ha I can see that happening. I have been going to concerts in NYC since 1995. I keep a log too... I'm embarrassed to say I am up to about 925 concerts... Going to have a huge celebration though for my 1000 and will but anyone of my friends who want to join me a ticket for that show as a celebration :)


I used to go to 21-30 shows a year.  That's dwindled down to 6-10 shows a year now.  Maybe mid teens if Wilco is on an album tour.  I'm at 557 shows now.  I have EVERY ticket stub along with paper promo adds, previews and reviews going back to 1983 in 9 scarp books.  Sadly the BS and ticket prices keeps me away from many shows I would have attended 10 years ago. 

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You should start hanging out with Lammy.  He goes to 100+ a year, according to the poll.  

I didn't know that stuff was public knowledge (on a private forum). I only selected that to mess with remphish's head.

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