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Now Playing: May/June/July/August 2014

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Now you're just posting pics of albums you like. No way you are listening to them all at once....

These are, in fact, the albums that I have listened to since getting in to work at 6 this morning.

(The Holly & the Italians one is still playing.)


I work at a desk job that allows me to listen as I work, so I do get a lot of music in during the day, yes.

And then more in the car on the way home.

I'll be posting more today, as I listen to more. Should be able to get in another 2 or 3 albums.

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So, yeah. Finished that Holly record and I'm on to:


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I've been obsessed with tUnE-YaRdS: Water Fountain.


Been curious about this band, but nothing that I've heard has really grabbed me the way that I hoped it would. Still, gonna keep giving them a change and hopefully it'll get it's hooks into me one day.

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Was just listening to this over the weekend. Love "Done Gone Blue" - one of their best opening tracks. Hidalgo's voice + his guitar playing = SO GOOD.

Los Lobos is right up there with XTC and Jellyfish as one of the most-underrated bands of all time. (Or, at least under-recognized.)

Hidalgo is maybe the biggest stud this side of Prince, musically speaking.

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Roger Waters - 7/26/84 - Rosemont Horizon, Rosemont, IL

Rog with Eric Clapton on guitar, sexy backup singers and a sax player! "Set the Controls" sounds very good indeed with that lineup. The tour features what might be my favorite Clapton work ever. He is really going for it, stretching beyond his normal blues shtick and trying to fit into the Floyd catalogue. This particular recording is the best soundboard I have heard of the '84 lineup. Saw them in the Meadowlands four nights before this Rosemont show.

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