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Jeff Tweedy — 30 September 2018, Seattle, WA (Moore Theatre)

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Ah, the enduring mysteries of a Jeff Tweedy solo show. How does he never (or almost never) drink anything on stage and yet his voice remains unaffected? What’s going through his head at any given point in time? Does requesting songs, via Wilco’s Web site or shouting them out, even make any difference?


Perhaps questions like these are better left unanswered. Or perhaps they’re just unanswerable, even by Jeff himself. Why, to cite another example, did Jeff suddenly play the Summerteeth rarity Candyfloss of all songs when he was in the middle of a run of several singalongs — Let’s Go Rain, Passenger Side, California Stars — that seemed likely to bring his main set to a close? I mean, myself and a few others were no doubt elated, but it was nevertheless an odd spot in the set for the deep cut. “I have no idea why I played that,” Jeff said afterward. “I just started playing it. I’m out of control.”


What was evident was that Jeff was in a pretty great mood as he returned to American soil after spending a few days on the Canadian side of the border. Not only that, but he was returning to a city in which he has had a long performance history and which has long supported him. He thanked the audience near the end of his set, saying this “is always one of the best places to play.” It’s hard to pinpoint exactly why, but the energy in the room in Seattle was completely different when compared with the previous night in Vancouver, and that made for an immeasurably better performance by Jeff overall.


At the outset, Jeff seemed like he knew exactly which songs he wanted to play and treated the crowd to a show-opening 1-2 punch of Bombs Above right into Some Birds. That combination of one song right into the next was new to me, and not something he’s been doing regularly. Jeff actually said nothing until about seven songs in when he finally opened up a bit, joking that “it’s too early to talk to you guys,” and then giving a bit of grief to a guy who loudly shouted a request for Pecan Pie. “I think it’s too early for that guy to talk to me,” Jeff quipped. “I don’t wanna be judgemental, but that’s the hill you’re gonna die on? Pecan Pie…that song always gets me. He must be a pie enthusiast.”


Then by way of introducing the next song, Sky Blue Sky, Jeff explained that “the request line is broken on our Web site so we asked for them on Twitter, which sucks because you have to wait and write them down.” He sarcastically thanked those who made King Crimson requests, but said that SBS was one he thought was interesting and that he hadn’t played in a while. So he did, and followed it up with another apparent request, One By One.


That set the tone for a relaxed second half of the show, one where you could sense Jeff getting more and more comfortable as the set wore on. He responded to VCer theashtraysays holding up a sign referring to the lyric from the song Message From Mid-Bar that “hate will save the dolphins” by telling a quick story about the kid who has been coming to shows over the past few years holding up sign with that on it until Jeff acknowledges that he has seen it.


Other visits to Banter Corner included a brief comment about the mention of Scott McCaughey in Let’s Go Rain, with Jeff saying, “You guys know Scott McCaughey. Why is he in a song about a biblical story? Because he embodies everything I believe in. He likes rock ‘n’ roll, and he’s kind. That a winning combination to me.” (Incidentally, I’m going to have to miss the upcoming Portland show, but I’m sure that Scott will be there if he’s in town, and I’m picturing him peeking his head out from side stage for a second just when Jeff sings his name. Please, someone, make this happen!)


Anyway, after Let’s Go Rain, Jeff made a few jokes about Canada and some of his travels there this year in the process of asking the Seattle crowd if it felt like singing along to a few more songs. He mentioned that the crowd in Vancouver the previous night “couldn’t hold a tune if it had a handle,” and joked about having worked out the NAFTA deal when he recently crossed the border. Jeff also mentioned how his most recent trip was the first time in the last three that he hadn’t been detained at the border, quipping that “you had to sing a Rush song to get out” and that he had had plenty of time to think about getting a tattoo like “a Gordon Lightfoot tramp stamp.”


Finally, Jeff joked good-naturedly with the crowd after looking at a list of song requests, saying “No, no, no, no,” to any of them. When the man who had yelled for Pecan Pie tried one final time, Jeff gave a mock look of disapproval and said, “Settle down. We still have a little time left, guys, so don’t start freaking out that you’re not gonna hear the song that only you like.”


As I said, I can’t really say why, but there was just a certain warmth — perhaps that comes with familiarity with a given market — between Jeff and this audience that you don’t always get with darkened theater shows. Remarkably not a single attempt to clap along could be heard during the entire show, and almost no inane comments from the peanut gallery either. In the encore, the main floor (at least) remained standing and stayed engaged with the show. It was refreshing to see all of this out of a theater audience, and I’m sure Jeff appreciated it. His performance, I think, reflected it as well.


Here was the complete setlist, as played (new songs indicated, with proper titles as known):


new song-Bombs Above>

new song-Some Birds

I Am Trying To Break Your Heart

Remember The Mountain Bed

new song-Evergreen

New Madrid

new song-Having Been Is No Way To Be

Sky Blue Sky

One By One

Bull Black Nova

new song-Don't Forget


Lost Love

new song-Let's Go Rain

Passenger Side

California Stars


I'm The Man Who Loves You



Jesus, etc.

Hate It Here


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I'm sure you're all probably wondering if I went 3 for 3 with requests. Well...

This was my last JT show of this run (and probably for the year). A really, really, good show. The best of the three I've seen this tour.

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I've been lucky enough to see Wilco a handful of times, but never saw Jeff do a solo show before last night. Bull Black Nova! Wow!

Hope he comes back soon!

He made a joke around the whole 'hate will save the dolphins' bit, but 'hate' was swapped out for something else and I can't remember what it was...

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As many of you know.... see my avatar... I've been toting around a big sign that says "BULL BLACK NOVA" to shows for the past few years, as I really, really like the song.  It's become something of a "thing", and I've had a lot of fun with it both at shows and on FB (check #bullblacknova if you're bored).  There don't seem to be many signs at Wilco shows, so Jeff typically notices it, and usually gives me a headshake "no" (like a pitcher to a catcher for a pitch he doesn't want to throw).  I've been called out for "chicanery" for stuffing the online ballot box (guilty).. and for having a bad case of "song monogamy" (guilty).  But hey, it's all just fun and a way to really engage in the show and demonstrate my immaturity in public.  I have done a couple other signs too, like the Hiatus Schmiatus sign in bright green at the last St Paul show.  I've even scribbled out a "WILL TRADE NOVA FOR HOODOO" sign during a show after Nova got a Nope.  Yeah, I'm that guy. 

So, I had already heard the story that malvarmas above referenced about this "mystery person" who shows up in random places with the "hate will save the dolphins" sign (who btw is totally NOT me... Jeff referred to him as a "kid" so that lets me out) at an earlier Jeff show.  So I had this grand idea for a new mash-up sign which I thought would be good for a chuckle and some good banter.  Or at least a groan and a good dismissive headshake.  Fortunately I was in the second row so close enough for him to see it even with the bright in-the-face stage lighting, and it did get us a fun little story.  Not sure if I'll ever get to use a "BULL BLACK NOVA WILL SAVE THE DOLPHINS" sign again, but sure glad it got one good use. And well, you never know!


The rendition of Nova in Seattle was stunning as always.  The intensity on the outro blows me away.  In Vancouver the night before, he flubbed the first lyric line, which I'd never seen him do before.  As bbop said, he seemed a lot more in the zone in Seattle than in Vancouver. 

Great recap bbop as always.  I certainly thought the vibe was better in SEA than VAN.  It reminded me a little of a Vic charity show, where all of us diehards hang out on the sidewalk and then scurry down the aisle for the coveted pit seats.  The low folding-chair seats and high stage give you that same crook-neck feeling too.  Standing for the encore was a lot like a seventh inning stretch.

Other fun moments of the evening - as Jeff was bantering on a bit long, he glanced to the side of the stage and said something like "I see our tour manager over there starting to give me a worried look... I'm expecting to get a big white hook any moment now", and then did a little sidestep move like he was being yanked from the stage.  There was an early shout-out for Jesus, etc, which got a reply of "you're too early... by about an hour and ten minutes" or something like that.  He also had to don his Sunday school teacher hat once again and explain the whole Noah's ark story to us, noting that we don't seem to be very familiar with that one and that "it's in the Bible". 

It really was a great show. I love the GA format where being down front means you're going to be with the Wilco family who truly want to be there and love the music.  Great seeing friends old and new.


Absurdly long link to a pic of the sign... can't seem to actually post the pic of the sign.



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Another thing I thought was interesting was when Jeff played New Madrid. He was about to play a different song, capo was on the 5th fret, which he used a few songs later for Sky Blue Sky and One By One, so that makes me think maybe he was about to go into one of those songs. He was just about to start the next song, maybe even a chord was played, but when a loud "NEW MADRID!" came out from somewhere behind me, Jeff immediately moved the capo to the 2nd fret and went into New Madrid. I've never seen him respond like that to a shout-request. 

Great crowd, we had a lot of fun standing in line with theashtraysays and some other Wilco fans. That's it for me for JT shows for the year, I'm moving cross country, so that'll probably be it for me seeing shows in the Pacific Northwest (besides Courtney Barnett next week in Vancouver). It's been a blast! Hopefully the Wilco fans in Manitoba/Minnesota area are as friendly as the PNW ones. 

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Thanks so much bbop, 3,000 miles away but felt like I was there, or maybe just made me wish even more that i was...

Thanks a lot for reading. I’m glad that someone other than my loyal British Isles readers is getting something out of my blatherings.

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