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Beatles Get Back doc

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Nice to hear. I have looked for the snippets Disney have been releasing (and they looked brilliant) but did not commit to a subscription. May buy on DVD or something if there is a simple 4 DVD option without a ton of extras and packaging to bump up the cost. Suppose basically I am just so happy that a more positive vibe has been attached to that period after the downer of the original film.

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It's got an overall positive vibe, but the positive-ness doesn't feel fabricated in the least bit. When the band is playing together, they seem genuinely to be enjoying themselves. It's clear George would like more input, and we do hear Lennon talk about Allen Klein, which of course is the situation that eventually led to a fallout with the band & Paul, but that all happens after the Let It Be sessions.


I couldn't take my eyes off of it for the most part. In Part 1, we see Paul in the morning, while he, George & Ringo are waiting for John to come in, sitting in a chair, looking down at his guitar & intently strumming. After a minute or two, random jamming develops into the song Get Back. The camera catches George with a glance where you can see he knows Paul is onto something. Just one example.

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On 11/28/2021 at 12:07 PM, Passenger Sid said:


That's the perfect word to describe it.  I'm about halfway through and have thoroughly enjoyed the documentary.  Highly, highly HIGHLY recommended - especially if you love (as I do) the album Let it Be.

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Huge Beatles fan, but found this doc to be really tedious. Some interesting moments throughout, interactions between band members, and insights into what lead to their end. But this could've been a 3 hour feature, and then save the rest for bonus scenes or directors cut or whatever. I don't think I ever need to listen to the song Get Back again. How about instead of showing them playing 15 seconds of a hundred different songs, you show them play a few songs the whole way through? I guess I've heard all or most of the audio from these sessions, so nothing really surprising there. Sorry, a lot of people buying into the hype of Peter Jackson plus the Beatles, but this just didn't deliver. Watched once, will never watch again. Except for the Ringo fart scene, that was funny.

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