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Everything posted by hazel

  1. i have been down today thinking about the election, i know obama is up in polls, but i can't help but think mccain/palin=unstable/unable still might win. its tightening up a little. joe had to go put his foot in his mouth again, dammit joe! i really like joe but please just a little bit longer!!! that has me worried, i am a worry wart, i worry about everything and this is effecting me physically. i have lost my appetite. i can only watch cnn/msnbc, fox makes my blood pressure go up so try not to watch them. hearing mccain talk is like nails on a chalkboard and same with the bimbo. they have
  2. he has common sense and hes neurotic, passionate and funny. i have always liked that about richard lewis. like rachael maddow said at the end of the segment, "i could listen to richard lewis all night". did you noticed at the end he said "i'm scared" its how a lot of people feel, i know i do. anything can happen in 21 days.
  3. you either get it or you don't, we get it and they don't. i am so glad i get it. i have never known many people who are as passionate about music as i am. i feel so alone! i think my son inherited my music taste gene tho, he likes good music. the music i grew up on. and he likes wilco. (with a little help from his mom)
  4. this thread inspired me to listen to summerteeth, i have been sitting on my bed with my laptop and my ipod, with cnn and msnbc on the tv (with sound down) its all i watch these days because i am so excited about obama and it looks like hes going to win. i actually yell at the tv when i feel it necessary. pieholden came on and it never fails to bring a tear to my eye. and then how to fight loneliness comes on after. jeffs voice does something to me like neil youngs did when i was 14 years old when i first heard him. jeff voice makes me sad, happy, makes my stomach ache, gives me the goosebumps.
  5. i obviously love it very much, my only complaint is that its too short!
  6. just curious if anyone went for the expensive tickets and if so how hard was it to get the good seats. got my GA tickets
  7. haha, check out mcSAME checking out palin,....funny thing is when i first saw this on tv this was the first thing i noticed too!, said to myself, wow look at him how hes looking at her, did you know he was cheating on his first wife (who was also a beauty queen) while she was crippled after being in a car accident? the man makes me sick. god help us if they win.
  8. wow, those pictures are stunning,..jeff dressed in black with the black background and just his skin and guitar standing out. beautiful.
  9. hazel

    Wilco Cartoon

    that was the funniest thing i've read in a long time, thanks for making me laugh.
  10. those are beautiful, i especially love the 2nd one, hes dressed all in black, his face, hands, guitar and shoes (chucks ) is what stands out. beautiful. i have to add, that 2nd one would be a nice one to blow up and frame.
  11. i love it already,..i hope its on the new album.
  12. agreed,..altho i remember 95 shows being especially good, especially one from philly at the TLA (pretty sure it was 95),..i really liked winston watson on drums around that period.
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