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Everything posted by jakobnicholas

  1. Touche. But you're a homer. In your world, Jordan with Bennett, Tweedy, Bach and Coomer would have won a Championship. What do you all you legal experts think of Jay's suit? I'm an idiot about such things, but Jay's claims at least SEEM to have a little basis to them.
  2. I'm NOT a Lakers fan. AT ALL. But Kobe and/or Phil Jackson will see to it that the Rockets DO NOT win the series.
  3. The first part of your statement probably explains what you say in the 2nd part. Do we need to slam someone who's talented because he's maybe not as talented as someone else? Maybe Scottie Pippen couldn't hold Jordan's jockstrap, but how many titles would Jordan have without him?
  4. True. But Jeff DOES NOT want to have every Wilco (The Album) interviewer ask him about Jay's lawsuit.
  5. You're backing up those of us who liked Jeff and Jay working togther. It's my belief that Jay hugely helped Jeff get away from the "alt-country pop" present on A.M. Would Misunderstood or Sunken Treasure or Red Eyed and Blue/I Got You exist in it's grand form without Jay? Would Summerteeth, with it's dark lyrics, have beens so great without Jay's sometimes bright 70's pop sounds and textures? Conversely, would YHF have been the "masterpiece" it was without Jeff pushing back at Jay's desire for arrangements similar to Summerteeth? Venus Stop the Train, to me, is the perfect example of how
  6. I would think Jay DID talk to Jeff/Tony/Wilco first. It would be an ass move by Jay to file a lawsuit out of the blue. ASSUMING Jay did talk to them first, Jeff/Tony/Wilco might be regretting they didn't nip it in the bud by reaching some sort of compromise/agreement. The last thing they want to be talking about on all their Wilco (The Album) press interviews is Jay Bennett. I can't imagine worse timing for Wilco. It seems best for Jeff/Tony/Wilco to find some sort of resolution ASAP.
  7. LOVED seeing the Lakers lose. But they'll probably still win in 6 games. Celtics are in trouble.
  8. "Why did you screw Jay Bennett out of 50 grand?"
  9. When Jay left the band, I wasn't bothered much by it. I liked Jay, but always felt it was Jeff's band. And Jeff validated my thoughts of him by making strong contributions to Loose Fur records, getting a new Wilco lineup together and putting together an under-rated gem in AGIB, along with Wilco Book. But hearing Sky Blue Sky and some of the new songs, I can hear what it was that Jay added to the band. Jeff's still great, but in my opinion, Jeff with Jay's assistance was greater. A.M. was a pretty great record, but Being There is where Wilco really took off. And it's hard to not think tha
  10. Good point about Jay helping put Wilco to the level they are now. I doubt Jay asked for a benefit concert, but we don't KNOW that. Jay's an easy target, but I just have a gut feeling that Jay has SOMETHING that's valid. It seems I remember hearing/reading years ago that he didn't feel he was compensated fully for all his work in Wilco. Jay's pride, and belief that he could earn money on his own, probably is the reason he never got serious about getting money from Jeff/Wilco. Obviously, the hip surgery has made Jay desparate. But I don't think Jay would drop this big of a bomb without h
  11. There's something I kinda like about the sound of the studio Panthers, but I agree the solo acoustic version is AMAZING.
  12. Roll Me Away - Bob Seger I-95 - Fountains of Wayne Driving to Work in the Year 2025 - Flaming Lips
  13. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Wilco Book version of Hummingbird. It's EASILY better than the AGIB version. And YES, if they played it that way live, it would kill. Candy Floss sounds like a throw-away, but I like it.....the fact it's all Bennetted up makes it even better. It's got a great 70's radio sound. The jam in Hotel Arizon makes the song great. Outside of ALTWYS, it's the best jam-out in a Wilco song (that's a fact...I looked it up).
  14. Ha. I'll take that as you have no argument.
  15. I'm a Hinrich fan....I probably watched 95 percent of his games at Kansas. His motor has always been great. And Roy Williams got him to play outstanding defense, as well as his coach Dad I'm sure. And he's a very gritty and smart player. But even at Kansas, I always felt he clutched up a little bit on his shots at critical times. Other times he looks as if he doesn't want to take the big shot. Last night he missed 2 WIDE open short jumpers late. The layup should have been made. Contrast Hinrich to Pierce, also a Kansas player. Pierce also plays inconsistent offensively. But with him, he se
  16. Bulls deserve a ton of credit for not folding late in regulation. Pierce had a run of 2 three-pointers and 4 free-throws (one which fouled out Gordon)...and it was then I thought, "this is over...Boston wins." But the Celtics defense was embarrassing. How does Miller get a WIDE OPEN run to the basket? WHY did Pierce foul Noah? Ridiculous. The announcers kept talking about how great Miller and Hinrich were off the bench. Miller? YES. Hinrich? NO. Hinrich is very tough and competes, but his offensive game folds when in tight situations. He threw up one brick after another late. And the lay
  17. Anyone read this? The guy's been through so many negative experiences and has been able to channel that into fabulous, if sometimes depressed and sobering, albums. He's written MANY songs that I think are absolute genius...including the song that names his autobiography.
  18. Whenever I hear "Don't Look Back" on the classic rock station, I crank it REAL loud....especially for the finale.
  19. 7 innings pitched: 2 earned runs, 8 strikeouts, 2 walks. The Blue Jays were amazing at laying off his pitches that dove down in the dirt or curved late. When I watch a MLB game like last night's, I'm sometimes stunned how small the strike zone is AND how batters can train their eye to read a pitch that might be an inch outside or inside or high or low and NOT swing. It's amazing. We're talking about pitches coming in at 90+ miles an hour.
  20. Zack Grienke is pitching insane at the moment. ZERO earned runs this season so far. He pitches tonight, weather permitting. Check out the great cover story of Zack on this week's Sports Illustrated. Interesting dude.
  21. I have an overall good feeling about this new record. I'll predict most of us end up ranking it as our 3rd or 4th favorite Wilco album.
  22. And then there's some of us who...despite thinking this isn't the best incarnation of Wilco...think Wilco is still VERY good, are very excited for the new album AND assume the new album will be very enjoyable.
  23. Hmm. Maybe he's got "a better feel for melody", but I'm going by how I feel when I hear a song. And I liked Egan's feel much better.
  24. Why is everyone so defensive? My feeling (and some others) is only that Nels' playing, while stellar, doesn't ADD anything to the greatness of Wilco's songs when live. The older Wilco sets had a much less jam-band vibe to it. And many of us preferred that. Big deal.
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