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Everything posted by jakobnicholas

  1. I agree. NC has some GREAT talent, but I don't think he'd make my top 3 on the team. They'll probably lose another group to the NBA, then re-load as usaul.
  2. Anyone seen him live this tour? I'll be seeing him in about a week. I've read he's been a little surly, off and on. His band sounds to be decent....more rockin' than others. His setlists have basically been identical, give or take one song, and the order changes sometimes. Here's a standard setlist: 1. This Charming Man 2. Billy Budd 3. That's How People Grow Up 4. Black Cloud 5. How Soon is Now? 6. Irish Blood, English Heart 7. I Keep Mine Hidden 8. How Could Anybody Possibly Know How I Feel? 9. Ask 10. I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris 11. Mama Lay Softly on the Riverbed 12. Best Frien
  3. Back In The Studio To Try To Re-Capture The Jay Bennett Magic
  4. I'm in Big 12 country, so could give a rat's ass about the Final Four teams: NC: Hansborough's great, but SO annoying. What do they have, like 8 McDonald's All-Americans? They're back in the Final Four....big deal. Villanova: Is their coach gay? He just looks too good and dresses too dapper. "V for Villanova"?....how about "V" for Wright's suits make me Vomit. UConn: Yay. Another Big East team. Missouri coulda/shoulda beat them.....I'm not impressed by Thabeet. Michigan State: Their tough. I like them. But this is 5 out of the last 11 years in the Final Four....Kansas had them 5 down
  5. Saw Monsters vs. Aliens yesterday. I'm a big fan of animated movies, and will go see most all of them. I DID NOT see the 3D version (wish I would have....could only have helped). Dreamworks primary goal is obviously to make movies that hundreds of millions will pay to see. Another goal is to entertain primarily kids, and not necessarily 30-something males. Because of their history of Shrek and Kung Fu Panda and other films that entertained many, their huge marketing department, and a great premise (how many kids WOULD'T want to see a movie about monsters and aliens?), Dreamworks KNEW they ha
  6. Nels, to me, is impressive. But I somewhat agree with what you're saying. Sometimes he just gets a little too noodly and jammy for my taste. But then Impossible Germany is played, and I think how great it is he's in the band. I've heard the new record will have more slide guitar, which is exciting...'cause I like how Nels plays that. AMEN on a new Loose Fur record. Born Again in the USA might be my favorite Tweedy-related record since YHF.
  7. This is bit harsher than how I'd describe it, but not by much. Man-Sized Wreath, Supernatural Superserious and Mr. Richards are all decent rockers. But overall, it's just a bland record. The lyrics are horrendous at times....forced, literal and goofy.
  8. If a movie has the Coen Brother's listed as director and/or writer, I'm in. This re-telling of the movie will be from the 14 year old girl's perspective, rather than from Rooster's. The Coen Brothers are wrapping up A Serious Man....supposedly loosely based or reflecting on their childhood.
  9. I don't know what the budget is on this movie, but ultimately.....and perhaps sadly...this movie WILL need to pull in a decent-sized audience (i.e. $$$$$) for the movie studio. So that's why the trailer has the cheesy "inside us all...." stuff. I'm still optimistic that this movie will be Jonze's vision....but like all "big" movies, I'm worried that too many chefs will stir the pot.
  10. I'm also an ardent "Up" defender. Bill Berry's departure clearly shook up Stipe. His very human and sometimes touching lyrics reveal that. And Buck and Mills re-think ways of making sounds, which many times results in something great. Many songs off Up could be labled "under-rated".....Suspicion, Walk Unafraid, Why Not Smile, Diminished, Falls To Climb...
  11. Visually, I'm sure this will be AMAZING. Jonze is a great visual artist. I loved the look of "Malkovich". And I remember that great video for Bjork, "It's Oh So Quiet". Hopefully the character development and emotion is equally great. This could be a classic.
  12. I don't think I can top Meatloaf and Morrissete. "Working On It" - Chris Rea "I Won't Back Down" - Tom Petty
  13. I agree with about everything, except I really like So. Central Rain and Everybody Hurts was INTENTIONALLY straight-forward from Stipe. He wanted young folks to get it and understand how tough it is sometimes to be young and feel lost. He was reaching out. Maybe the song still sucks, but I like Stipe's effort. Accelarate IS mostly crap. I Wanted To Be Wrong IS a gem of a song. Beautiful. Imitation of Life is great R.E.M. pop....with a simple yet mesmerizing video to go with it. I like the writer's comments on Sitting Still and Driver 8.
  14. The jam of At Least That's What You Said....especially the first guitar crackle and the part where Glenn unleashes the maching gun of drums.
  15. Jim Croce - "I've Got a Name" Built to Spill - "You Are" (Doug Martsch awesomely tries to sonically describe what he thinks of someone with his guitar...amazing.)
  16. True dat. Chilton adds to the emotion of the song when he joins Bell in the singing.
  17. I agree. His duet of this song with Chris Martin is equally powerful. I'll say: "The Beautiful Ones" - Prince (Wow....he sounds seriously wounded and desparate at the end of the song) "The Last Ride" - Richard Buckner (A very sad song, which is made all the more powerful with Buckner's voice and howl)
  18. They both are very talented and smart and clever. But they both annoy me. Stewart's smugness is nauseating. Colbert is very smart and funny in his own way, but I find the fake O'Reilly act to get very old very fast. I'd rather watch Leno now, and for sure Conan when he's at 10:30.
  19. From Rolling Stone: The Flaming Lips Title TBD July After the Flaming Lips' Steven Drozd failed to sell his Oklahoma house last year, the band turned the empty home into a temporary recording studio. "We're capturing more immediate kinds of rock sounds there," says frontman Wayne Coyne. "It's different than the computer-generated beats of the last couple of records." The group is re-teaming with longtime producer Dave Fridmann for its 12th LP
  20. I'll be stunned if the Final Four isn't just #1 and #2 seeds....with the possible exception of #3 Villanova (Duke and Pitt both appear vulnerable).
  21. Well, first, I'm so glad that we in the United States now have a good image in the eyes of the French. Phew! So getting a Democrat in office will make Tweedy not feel awful and beaten down? We're still at war for at least 18 more months. There's still millions world-wide who live in poverty. Our economy...which was bad in Bush's last months...is way worse now, and many Obama-loving economic "experts" are scared shitless at some of Obama's decisions and think we could slide into a depression. Feel better Jeff? Wasn't Bush showing humanity by providing 15 billion dollars to fight AIDS in
  22. What does "egoist argument" mean??
  23. Just heard this for the first time. Probably not in the league of "Confessor" or "Blacklisted", but those are amazing records. Love her voice and the music behind her. Will probably grow on me. And the cd booklet is kinda cool to flip through.
  24. "It's Never Been Like That", their 2006 release, is FANTASTIC. One of the best records of recent years. It's just got a smooth, rockin' sound. Nothing too edgy or "artsy", but not bland in ANY way. I, too, look forward to the new album.
  25. Yeah, neither song is jaw-dropping. But I like the energy of the original and the Nunan cover has a cool edge to it. Is the female singing on the cover song? Almost sounds like White singing from a magaphone or something. I hope they tour. Jack White on a stage performing is NEVER to missed, no matter who's surrounding him or what instrument he plays.
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