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Everything posted by jakobnicholas

  1. Creatively, Conan has a huge respect for Lettermen. Lettermen's humor is more in line with Conan's quirky sense of humor. I think Conan understands how revolutionary Letterman was/is....especially with what he did when at NBC. I know it's the cool thing to rip Leno on this board, but I don't really see it that way. I definitely prefer and relate more to Conan's totally whacky skits and jokes, but saying that, I also appreciate what Leno does. It's more straight-forward, but not many could have a consistently strong monologue like Jay. And he DOES relate to people very well....Leno seems ve
  2. I really like that idea. Good comedic movies are NOT easy to make. And it would be cool to award whoever makes the best. Great comedies hardly ever (never?) get nominated for Best Movie. It would be similar to the Best Animated Movie award, which also hardly ever (just once) gets nominated. Tropic Thunder would surely have been one of 5 nominees. And Burn After Reading would have had a chance. I'm OK with Slumdong winning Best Song....I preferred Gabriel's tune, but I'm not an expert or fan of some "world music". The Slumdog songs aren't bad, but they just don't do anything for me. I
  3. Very classy final show by Conan. I really liked that he spent about 10 full minutes thanking various people, including some great love for David Lettermen and Jay Leno. And he mentioned how his brother has watched EVERY show, and calls Conan every day to talk about it.....that's pretty neat. I was hoping they'd end Andy's segment with Andy and Conan driving the desk around town. I've heard it's not known if Max and the Weinberg 7 will returen....but I really hope they do. The White Stripes song was predictable, but not how it was played. It was a really cool, sweet version. Great to se
  4. The White Stripes* *Assuming the Conan appearance means they're back.
  5. Thanks to Google, I found some articles regarding this cartoon. Some guy's website I found named Right-Wing Bob has these thoughts, which make good sense to me: Well, I
  6. Bought this record yesterday and have listened a few times. Too early to say how it ranks with his other solo records, but overall it's a good listen. At least half are very enjoyable.....a nice rockin' vibe and nice Morrissey voice fluctuations. His wit is still intact, but not consistently. Not bad lyrics, but kinda hit and miss. Overall.....I'm glad I spent money on it.
  7. Thanks. Good stuff. You can also watch full episodes on NBC's/Conan's website.
  8. As did Mick Jagger's last solo record. I look forward to hearing the new Dylan album.....at least the music anyways. We'll see how his voice sounds.
  9. I like Farrar quite a bit. The more his album titles made me reach for a dictionary, the more I lost interest. But no doubt the guy still can write some great songs.
  10. "See Him On the Street" and "Anne Jane" are also not on par....I've heard this record so often, I have a routine now of what songs I skip. I agree about the Lennon/McCartney comparison. I have a sense that Olson (Lennon) writes better pure songs or structurally knows what goes into making a great song. And Louris (McCartney) has the pop sensibility, guitar chops and quirkiness in his song ideas to give songs life. But their ideas seem to work best when together. I agree. Which ALSO fits into the comparison of Louris being the McCartney in the Olson/Louris duo.
  11. Did the little bird tell you if they might sing more than one song? Sounds like the whole show will be old Conan bits, a couple "surprises", and then the White Stripes. I'm hoping Andy Richter or Amy Poehler's brace-wearing character or Pimpbot or Triumph make a showing.
  12. I agree with much of what you say. "Hollywood" is perfect. "Green Grass" is perfect, minus about 3 songs. Sound of Lies is a kind of bizarre mix of songs, but I like it far more than Rainy Day Music. In fact, I might even put "Smile" ahead of RDM. The Creekdippers' output definitely is a mixed bag. I'm curious what you don't like off the new record. I agree that it's slow. Some days I just don't feel in the mood to be patient and listen through it. But I only notice a couple stumbles...."Kick the Wood" and the 2 bonus songs do nothing for me. But the rest all have elements of greatness
  13. Yes. Sounds wierd doesn't it? Conan was on the Actor's Studio last month and admitted it will be a big change and that he's a little scared, not really knowing how he'll do in the 10:30 slot. But he says he doesn't plan to really make any drastic changes. He and his writers are gonna keep doing what they percieve to be funny. Conan's new show won't begin until June 1. USA Today has a tiny bit about it: http://www.usatoday.com/life/television/ne...onan-side_N.htm
  14. I don't think so. Lettermen's able to have some good musical guests at 10:30, and beings Conan is a big music fan, he'll surely do the same. But I DO think that Conan might feel obligated to have more "popular" music acts than he does now. As for Friday, should we expect a new White Stripes song perhaps? Maybe a new album or summer tour announcement?
  15. Holy crap has the show taken another nosedive. Anyone see either of the last couple shows (with Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin as hosts)? The Steve Martin episode was very week....mostly because Martin just doesn't have the physical comic skills anymore. The Baldwin show wasn't much better. A skit about the 5th Jonas Bros. was pretty funny. And the Baldwin-starring Wii/jerking-off skit was quite funny (wierd though, considering his daughters were at the show....surely they did not see that skit). An opening skit about the Republicans being happy that the new bill will be passed without
  16. I have a really hard time ranking Buckner's albums. Dents and Shells I like less than most of his, but yet I love the in-the-studio feel of it. Meadow I've grown to really like. Impasse seems the most un-Buckner of his albums, with all the dense layers and sounds, yet it might be my favorite. Can't wait to hear what his next record will sound like.
  17. (This is Buckner's post on Merge regarding the 3 records:) Welcome. I
  18. Merge records will digitally re-issue 3 Buckner albums on March 10: Bloomed The Hill Impasse Also, Buckner will be touring! Tour dates so far: 3/19 Arlington, VA IOTA Club and Caf
  19. Every so often I catch 15-20 minutes of Michael Savage. He's pretty entertaining and interesting. I turned on Hannity during the election and couldn't take it. If people think of him when they think of Conservatives, I can see why they hate Conservatives. Rush, years ago, was very funny. He'd do his politically-correct football picks, which was always funny. Haven't listened in a long time. In the Kansas City area, 710 KCMO has the Chris Stigall Show in the mornings. He's quite good. I find it hard to believe that any law will be passed to mandate what can or can't be aired on the
  20. Definitely will check that out. Most likely they'll play 5 new songs, but maybe they'll surprise us with an a classic nugget one night.
  21. The awesomest music news in a long time... The White Stripes will be together again to play on Conan's final Late Night show, Feb. 20. http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/article/news...last-late-night
  22. No it isn't. On my TV screen, Kobe come across like an annoying whiny bitch. Nothing flawed about what I percieve him to be. Similarily, I probably couldn't logically analyze why you come across as annoying.
  23. I don't remember Bird and Jordan flailing their arms in the air near as many times as Kobe does. And they're facial expressions when upset, weren't half as pathetic and unprofessional as Kobe's. Why are you all so defensive of Kobe? It's OK for people like me to not like him. Villains are good for sports.
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