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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. it was intended as a real question, but I'm open to random tom foolery.
  2. for example, I have a friend that I communicate with mostly through email. I can say something that is sincere but kind of in a jokingly matter, where they may or may not take it as a compliment. like I'll say, just a random example, 'I like nasty, hairy-faced rock star types, like you,' which is meant as a compliment. then they would say something like, 'Nice,' which could mean, 'that's nice that you think that,' or 'nice one asshole.' anyone else have this problem? please discuss.
  3. I move that Americans ban all Chinese products that are brown. this is an outrage.
  4. dear GOD I WANT A DONUT!!!!! I'm being so good too!
  5. I'm pretty sure Tony set it up because he was talking to the guy, but I can't remember who he was talking to about it. I just remember him being pissed because Silvio could have been killed. that was a pretty killer scene.
  6. I'm sure Phil is unaware that Leonardo da Vinci was also homosexual.
  7. RIP Johnny Sack. what does everyone think of this episode? I'm sure many think that not much is happening, not enough action. I see this building up, hopefully, to someone major being killed. I pick Christafuh. I don't think he's long for this world. either Phil Leotardo or Tony is going to kill him; I'm leaning towards Phil getting it done. all in all, some major shit needs to be hitting the fan in the next 6 episodes. otherwise, WTF is the point in having these last 8 episodes?
  8. do you think he's talking about us? if so, what would he say?
  9. first album purchase - John Lennon, Shaved Fish first rock concert - The Fixx/Flock of Seagulls 1984
  10. it's raining like a bitch outside and the wind is blowing very hard. I wore my rain pants and jacket this morning. everyone else got soaked. what is this, a fashion show?
  11. he's one of my all time favorit authors. in my freshman year of college, he was all that I read in my spare time. God Bless you Mr. Vonnegut
  12. I Ain't Nothing But a Gorehound
  13. I will cry if that stuff comes here. true story.
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