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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. Happy Birthday to two very special women! flowers for you! :party :party :party
  2. Well I woke this morning with a pain in my neck, A pain in my heart and a pain in my chest, I went to the good doctor and the good doctor said, You gotta slow down your life or youre gonna be dead, Cut out the struggle and strife, It only complicates your life. Well I cut down women I cut out booze, I stopped ironing my shirts, cleaning my shoes, I stopped going to work, reading the news, Im sitting twiddling my thumbs cos I got nothing to do, Minimal exercise, To help uncomplicate my life, Gotta stand and face it life is so complicated, Ladi dah di dahdah, ladi dah di dah dah, Got to get aw
  3. thanks for the recommendation. I'm really already horrified. Cheney has been a part of the White House since Nixon and it's time for him to go. he should really be sent to jail like Scooter Libby for this Valerie Plame stuff. I'm ready for a street protest against this war. haven't seen any of those lately.
  4. so does mine and I'm sure everyone else's does too. this thread will probably be dead soon.
  5. link Didn't he just say 'let's work together' the other night, or am I hard of hearing. I feel like we have been cast into a dictatorship with statements like this. Now, he has approved the killing of Iranians who want to kill anyone in Iraq. Two more years of hell with this bloody war! It continuously makes me sick to my stomach. This week alone has been one of the deadliest that I can remember. Jesus!
  6. pets are no less family members than people. I can totally relate to the sorrow. my family had a wonderful golden retriever/lab mix. he was my dog when I lived at home. when he was a pup, I was a Duran Duran fanatic and named him Simon LeDog. he had to be put down one Christmas morning because he had a mass the size of a grapefruit in his abdomen and couldn't move. I didn't get to see him before he was euthanized. it was the saddest Christmas ever. as with any death, try to remember the good times you had with your pet.
  7. I feel the same way about Beck's Sea Change. there are excellent tunes all over it but it's got the same sad malaise to it.
  8. yeah, I feel like I have to be in just the right mood to sit down and listen to Blinking Lights. it's a really good recording, but sad, sad, SAD!!!
  9. I have enjoyed Mike E's music for some time now. He's really quirky and I saw the Eels put on a rocking good show this past Summer. But many of the songs that rotate randomly on my player from Daisies of the Galaxy and Bright Lights are just damn depressing and I end up skipping over them. I know he's been through a lot of shit, but man. thoughts? opinions? concerns?
  10. so much for my 'no one will ever know' theory.
  11. :party :party (who are you again?)
  12. everyone knows the sitar makes you turn gay, come on!
  13. I found him on the list 3 times with (really gay) next to the last listing. Indigo Girls twice. good god...
  14. Agreed! Webb's speech was dead on. What better authority to speak about the war than someone who has had generations of family members serve this country. Dick loves to smirk though.
  15. now lets see what Jim Webb has to say.
  16. I'm a living sunset Lightning in my bones Push me to the edge But my will is stone I believe in a better way Fools will be fools And wise will be wise But i will look this world Straight in the eyes I believe in a better way What good is a man Who won't take a stand What good is a cynic With no better plan I believe in a better way Reality is sharp It cuts at me like a knife Everyone i know Is in the fight of their life I believe in a better way Take your face out of your hands And clear your eyes You have a right to your dreams And don't be denied I bel
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