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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. dear calispell, is it 'BAFFONERY' or BAFFOONERY'? signed, spelling challenged
  2. ction would totally bang you if he wasn't so fat.
  3. um, I guess I'm smiling out of confusion. there you go
  4. touche' however, I wasn't around for some of that.
  5. I'm not voting. life does not suck. wtf?
  6. Perm would never say such a thing.
  7. I think I used to confuse you with Sergio Ramshackle and he used to tell me to eat my greens. sorry for the mix up.
  8. I'm awake now. what have I missed?
  9. I should have gone bike riding when I got home from work. instead, I had a beer and now I have a slight headache.
  10. baby, I'm just yankin' yer chain.
  11. since my husband does most, if not all of the cooking, and does it better than me anyway, when I'm home alone it's like I've totally forgotten how to make a decent dinner for myself.
  12. perhaps the companies/factories that have to produce some waste as a part of the process of what they make, would pay a perpetual tax because of the kind of product they make. honestly, I don't see income tax ever going away. but, I do think it is a good idea to have a pollution tax. something has to be done about the state of the earth and it's atmosphere, water, etc, and if a tax will help, I'm for it. but I really don't see it bringing in the same revenue as income taxes though.
  13. you're waiting for the bouncing chick, aren't you... meth?
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