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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. what is there to say really? it sucks and I hate it very much. I especially hate it for my husband because he's the bigger fan. Cubbies just dropped the fucking ball in the playoffs. you would think that a win like theirs last Friday would have brought some momentum to the team. it just sucks majorly.
  2. good luck with your new career in real estate! :party :party
  3. wow, Sharon Jones is awesome! if she is coming to your town, she is a MUST SEE!!! TOTALLY TEH DO IT!!
  4. thanks everyone! started the day with a killer yoga class, then an acupuncture treatment. now, a sushi dinner and a show at the Apollo Theater. gary, I may have to have the party another time, and I expect you to be there! HUZZAH!!!
  5. I think both of you are ignoring the tremendous amount of KNATS!
  6. millions and millions of KNATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!$#!#!@Q!
  7. YAY FOR LIBRAS!!!!! :party :party :party
  8. some kind of substance is involved, I can tell ya that!
  9. anyone thing cocaine might have been involved in the recording of "You Know My Name, Look Up the Number?"
  10. GO CUBBIES!!!!! my husband is in total hysterics right now!
  11. I wish I could be there to witness this.
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