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Everything posted by Moltisanti

  1. Damn. I should stick to criticizing TV shows and movies I've never seen.
  2. I'm really pumped to see what the D-Rays do this offseason. There's talk of adding a new coat of paint to the outfield wall. In any event, it'll be tough to top last year's addition of a cool new fish tank out in right-center. I like Gary Sheffield. Seems like every team he goes to wins more games than they did the previous year. I could be wrong though, I didn't check.
  3. Well, I haven't been one to shit all over the Big East this year. A couple of weeks ago I even thought you could make the case they were at least as good as some of the other major conferences. But I don't know about now. I was at the game earlier in the season where USF almost beat Rutgers. Wasn't impressed at all by the Scarlett Knights. But hey, maybe they're a much better team now. Florida could still lay an egg and lose at Florida State.
  4. I really don't understand why Urban Meyer would be whining about Rutgers. Not really very much of a chance they could pass the Gators if both teams win out. I'm ready to start getting officially fired up about Michigan at Ohio State.
  5. "I just wanna kiss you." I've never been good at these things.
  6. How is Florida a "thug" program any more than Ohio State? Galen Hall hasn't been the coach there for a long time now.
  7. You don't see pollsters intentionally voting certain teams down further just to help their agenda? It used to happen to Florida all the time under Spurrier, such was the hatred for that man. There were voters that had them out of the top ten in the weeks leading up to them playing Nebraska for the national title. They're fraudelent, as everyone knows.
  8. I'm pretty sure that pollsters in the midwest and northeast are already figuring out a way to justify voting the loser of OSU-Michigan number two the following week. They'll probably also be voting certain other one-loss teams further down than they deserve so as to help ensure a rematch in the BCS title game.
  9. Larry Coker always reminded me of Busmalis from Oz. Wow, I wouldn't be surprised if he's fired like tomorrow after reading those comments. Of course, I also wouldn't be surprised if he's not fired.
  10. Tim Tebow is gonna win those three Heisman trophies that Ron Powlus was supposed to. Never seen anything like that kid in all my years of watching college football.
  11. If Florida had run the table, I don't see how they wouldn't have been in the BCS title game against Ohio State or Michigan. That's gonna be scary if OSU and Michigan are both undefeated when they play. I could see people getting shot over that contest.
  12. What a brutal loss for Florida. I knew it would be a tall order to go through that schedule without a loss, but that game tonight was there for the taking. And Chris Leak's arm was moving forward. That should have been called an incomplete pass. I have no idea why referees at the college and pro level can't just get these calls correct ON THE FIELD, so it doesn't even have to come down to replay.
  13. I used to like her back in the O.J. trial days. She didn't take any shit from those defense attorneys on Geraldo.
  14. They weren't doing the wave in Detroit towards the end, were they? It kinda looked like it. Steve Garvey better never get in the hall-of-fame.
  15. I started heavily disliking Chad Pennington after he told the New York media that they should feel privileged to be covering him. I need McNabb to throw for like four hundred yards and a couple of touchdowns tommorow night.
  16. That Tourgasm show had to be the worst thing HBO has put out since Arli$$ was cancelled. Dane Cook seems to be pretty popular among teenage girls, so I think the Ryan Reynolds comparison is pretty spot-on.
  17. Mo Cheeks helping out that little girl with the national anthem was pretty awesome.
  18. I'm seeing Kathy Bates and an emaciated Michael Imperioli playing the two principals. Not sure about the husband. Bill Macy, perhaps?
  19. I enjoyed when Biakabatuka(sp) ran for like four hundred yards on the Buckeyes, circa 1995.
  20. Florida's gonna roll Tennessee tonight. I'm usually a pessimistic Gators' fan, but I can feel this one. I wish I had three TVs right now. Every game is compelling. I hope Notre Dame comes back.
  21. Oh, how I LOVE to see Favre continue to possibly ruin his legacy. All of these morons that used to say with a straight face that he's the greatest quarterback ever -- they can't still think that, can they? I had the Bears defense last year for fantasy, and I have them again. So yeah, go Bears.
  22. Those are great. November can't come soon enough.
  23. But would it have mattered? First and goal at the two-yard line. This is gonna be way more of a talking point than is even merited. I'm ready for Sunday.
  24. I'm trying to imagine any serious baseball person telling me that they would rather have Nolan Ryan on the mound instead of Steve Carlton. I just can't do it. Yes, Ryan has the strikeouts, yes he beat up that one dude when he charged the mound, and yes, he has a lot of no-hitters. But come on, already. We're talking about Lefty here. The guy won 27 games on one of the worst teams in recent memory. Greatest slider in the history of baseball. There's no comparison.
  25. Win or lose, Miami is really looking strong tonight. He seems like an asshole, but this Nick Saban guy is a coach I'd like to have. Fuck Peyton and Eli Manning.
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