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Everything posted by Moltisanti

  1. No, fantasy football is actually a lot of fun, but to waste money on a trophy is pretty stupid.
  2. I'm joining a new fantasy football league in which a trophy will be awarded. Please confirm for me that the idea of fantasy football trophies are really fucking retarded.
  3. That list is way incomplete though. There are no SEC matchups listed at all after 9/20 until 11/28. Still, thanks for posting it and I got it bookmarked for sure.
  4. Lately I've been questioning why it is that I pay more money to have HBO. But after watching that doc about the high school debating teams, it was once again confirmed for me why that money is worth it. Absolutely riveting.
  5. I really want Russia to win this match. Kind of getting sick of hearing how awesome the Dutch are at soccer.
  6. Hoop Dreams, when Arthur's mom starts crying after learning she got the highest test score in her nurse's assistant class.
  7. The officiating in the NBA sucks, but do people really believe that David Stern instructs refs to call games a certain way in order to have a series go six or seven games? You've got to be out of your mind to really believe that.
  8. Griffey was constantly called the best player in baseball at a time when Bonds was clearly better than him. I never got it then, and I sure as hell don't get it now. Junior's a great player, his legacy should be as a hall-of-famer, but to put him in the same category as Barry Bonds is just nuts.
  9. I don't know if it was his final work, but his turn as the prisoner/cancer doctor in that Sopranos episode was amazing. But I will always remember him as Michael Dorsey's frustrated agent.
  10. Yeah, her not giving me a pen to sign the receipt with would have sent me over the edge as well(on the heels of everything else you mentioned). But ya know, I think I still would have left her at least seven bucks. It's close to, but still under fifteen percent, which probably would have let her know how much she sucked. Five on fifty-four is kind of like a 'fuck you.'
  11. I didn't set the dvr for long enough to get the penalty kicks. Anyone know if there will be a replay on ESPN or FSC?
  12. Being able to switch from so many varied artists at a few clicks of a button is something I will never get tired of. I still have so many cds that I love and cherish.
  13. HBO On-Demand really came through on this one.
  14. I guess, maybe, I won't buy that Atlanta Hawks jersey after all.
  15. I wanna know when Coming Home in a Body Bag is gonna get the proper dvd treatment. Loved the part in TR when Dick Ritchie was auditioning for T.J. Hooker.
  16. The Devil Rays swept the Red Sox. Fuck off, Boston.
  17. Oh my god, I love that picture so much. Man, I wish I knew a gamecock fan that I could send it to. The winner of Florida-Georgia this fall will most likely play Ohio State for the national title. That should be fun.
  18. Cheap Seats was much funnier than Mystery Science Theater 3000.
  19. "It's Rupert Pupkin, ladies and gentlemen...Rupert Pupkin!"
  20. The basketball sequence was kind of laughable.
  21. I will admit that UCLA is probably the best team in recent memory to make three straight final fours with nothing to show for it.
  22. Tyler Hansbrough...He's not that good. Try to rebound. You can't.
  23. I read his piece in Esquire about men's tennis(which appeared in A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again), and I will grant you it was one of the greatest things I've ever read -- Ever. Those footnotes had me dying in laughter. But Infinite Jest? No. I've tried three times now.
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