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Everything posted by m_thomp

  1. After some Welsh dandy did a mental over the internet bedsheets I'm swapping Tigers for Horses.
  2. Awesome. Anyone who can make Lionel Ritchie's Hello sound that good deserves a medal. Hope the video still has the blind chick making a BIG Ritchie head out of plasticine.
  3. My good: Panda Bear - Person Pitch Caribou - Andorra LCD Soundsystem - Sound of Silver Trans Am - Sex Change Besnard Lakes - The Besnard Lakes Are A Dark Horse The Field - From Here We Go Sublime Radicalfashion - Odori Lavender Diamond - Imagine Our Love The Apples In Stereo - New Magnetic Wonder Gruff Rhys - Candylion
  4. I agree. Sgt Pepper was one of the first concept albums, and its ambition in broadening the scope of pop music to include art, modern and cross cultural references has to be applauded. But it is very much of its time and if you listen to it today, and you weren't growing up or around to appreciate its surroundings or impact, then, whisper it, the songs aren't that good. At least they're nowhere near as good as those on Rubber Soul, Revolver and The White Album.
  5. No-one from the Kooks should be allowed to speak, let alone sing and think.
  6. I can only assume this is ironic from a person who fails to glean any joy from Van Occupanther?
  7. It's got a cover! As a cause for celebration, and because it's so good, I'll listen to again. And why not, I'm rarely wrong about these things.
  8. True. The new album has distilled everything they (he) were experimenting with on the last two albums. Not that those last albums were bad but this has more a sense of purpose about it. NP: Caribou again.
  9. NP: Caribou - Andorra If it wasn't for Person Pitch this would be my album of the year so far. So, so good, in many different ways.
  10. That's odd because I posted, and still can see, the cover of Apples In Stereo's New Magnetic Wonder. I would post it again but I'm not listening to it, so that would be a lie. Baby Jesus doesn't like lies.
  11. New Rush?? My brother will be having a wet dream, which will be biological miracle given that he's about 36. Mind you, I was guilty of putting Spirit of Radio on the pub jukebox a couple of weeks back. Stick to the man!
  12. That would be like eating a two-finger Kit-Kat with a bit of foil still attached.
  13. Different man. That one only played with John's. Ringo's was poorly tailored (IN HIS OPINION) and the others were a bit too Dairylea.
  14. Cds these days are all too loud. It's true, the man who touched the Beatles' knobs said so. NP:
  15. I thought it was obscene that Bloc Party had the opportunity to play three songs, to which they pissed it in the BBC's face by playing the same one over again. Someone told me all three tracks were different. I didn't believe them.
  16. I never knew Whoopi Goldberg was such a mean guitarist. Someone said it was Joan Armourplating, but I don't believe them.
  17. The Twisted Ear team has finally put down the tv remote and pooled its efforts to knock up a review of ATP vs The Fans. You can read the whole of the review below, or for those with an attention disorder and a need of pretty pictures, you can read the ATP festival review here. Meanwhile, here's the good stuff: Friday Daniel Johnston is not much of a guitarist, and his vocals could probably be questioned as well. But the occasional bum note and the toothless lisp he has acquired since his earliest recordings do little to hide the fact that he is a genuine talent with a knack for melodies
  18. I think, could be wrong, that Electric Picnic is on at the same time as Scotland's Indian Summer festival, and certain bands are playing both. So there's a possibility. I would recommend going to Electric Picnic. I've been twice and its one of the friendliest and diverse festivals over this way. Not too big or crowded either, and with plenty to keep you occupied aside from the music.
  19. Twas true. I was stood a foot away from the guy who threw it: Jeff did ask for it, and sent the guy to Burger King to get it. He did. So be careful what you wish for! Other tracks played were Handshake Drugs, Hummingbird, At Least That's What You Said, Shot In The Arm, I Am Trying To Break Your Heart. There were others but they are the obvious ones for me and a sleep deprived brain.
  20. Oh yes, the inbetween clips bit was indeed the best bit. Key moments being the "Where we going now?" bit. Nick Frost's 'newspaper and two-fingers' response to Simon Pegg using the word 'juxtaposition' and talking very highbrow about the clip of the documentary with the former military guy back in England trying to work the electric can opener. Basically, anyone doing a mongy voice made me laugh. Yes, I am shallow.
  21. F**k! For a minute there I thought you were referring to the Brittas Empire. My mistake. I've seen the trailers for Roman's Empire and it reminds me, could be wrong, of a UK sitcom version of The Royal Tennenbaums. As for Extras, it suffered under its own self-imprtance, it was mildly funny (mainly Merchant, Jenson and Barry Evans) but it was just revolving around the same joke premise: here are abunch of well-known celebrities displaying an unexpected personality trait. The worst episode was the one at the Baftas. Terrible. I'd shove Peep Show in the Brit comedy list too, the last seri
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