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Everything posted by tugmoose

  1. Long NYT Magazine story on Neko. "Intense, often lovesick fans." Why's everyone looking at me?
  2. Dude, what's the rush? Remember what Alfonso Soriano said: Cubs fans need to be patient. And BTW, anyone going to the new Mets stadium and wanting to actually watch the game might do well to avoid this seat:
  3. That would be the guy on the left, I guess . . .
  4. Guess shoveling money at Howard Stern wasn't the answer. Sirius preparing possible bankruptcy filing: report NEW YORK (Reuters)
  5. You guys who wanna let Phelps slide: ESPN columnist says you're all a bunch of racists.
  6. Well, here's a guy I'd never heard of, but because yahoo made a big deal over it in it's Grammy coverage, I am quite aware of him, and I am quite convinced that he is scum.
  7. MLB Network has gone All A-Rod, All The Time. It's the perfect storm: A-Rod, 'roids and Yankees.
  8. Ya gotta love the balls on this Cheney. Does anyone buy that the Bush administration would have kept under wraps any info about successfully thwarted attacks? Classified, shashified, it would have been leaked.
  9. It's official: Chris Brown is dumber than Michael Phelps. Only way it could be higher profile is if he was beating a girl during his performance.
  10. Megan from The Last Town Chorus took this picture from Letterman's green room.
  11. I'm poppin' in "The Buddy Holly Story." Now if I could only find that Don McLean single, the one that you flip over halfway through (I just heard that "American Pie" was not the name of the plane). Featuring Stymie!
  12. I could swim 50+ yards underwater in HS, during the height of my partying days. I must admit my hardest practice ever was the one time I went high - my arms felt like lead. Went home and slept about 12 hours.
  13. Absolutely. I mean, you're not covering up the fact that Jim is secretly in love with Dwight.
  14. I've already played it more than I've played AA.
  15. They had me until the dead GI bit. You do not play with that.
  16. Joe The Plumber to the rescue! Joe the Plumber advises GOP-ers By ALEX ISENSTADT | 2/2/09 7:26 PM EST Fresh off his stint as a war correspondent in Gaza, Joe the Plumber is now doing political strategy with Republicans. When GOP congressional aides gather Tuesday morning for a meeting of the Conservative Working Group, Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher
  17. They stole that from "Used Cars," when Lenny and Squiggy broke into a football broadcast with a live commercial!
  18. Has Bruce ever done festivals? Maybe Jeff can cop some of the Boss's cool moves.
  19. I downloaded the Mothers Best shows and the banter is kind of a trip.
  20. I just got the boxset (dvd prices seem to be dropping in advance of the Blueray takeover) and watched Fistful last night. I still prefer the original. surfing channels there's Hannity interviewing Rush. I don't care what your political leanings are, this is absolutely unwatchable.
  21. Once saw a thing with three intersecting rings: Matted hair; blood shot eyes; smells funny. Where they intersected was "hippie or swimmer."
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