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Everything posted by tugmoose

  1. I was hoping for "Spank you Sarah Palin." the ad. I like where they call her "articulate."
  2. I'm in a bit of a cliffhanger. The Plain Dealer - which still makes a profit, btw - will be cutting it's newsroom non-management staff by 21% on Dec. 1 - 50 positions. So it's kind of exciting and excruciating at the same time. I'm guessing you won't see many of us out on Black Friday. Don't worry, management is safe. And so are the luxury boxes at Indians, Browns and Cavs games.
  3. Rapper gets 20 years after writing shooting song DUBLIN, Ga.
  4. a bit off topic, I'm nominating this as the most bizarre magazine cover ever featuring the boys. More Beatles stuff here.
  5. ABC ran a piece on the big 3 CEO's arriving in DC in private jets to beg for $25 billion.
  6. She showed mad negotiating skillz with that healthcare thing. Plus she knows her way around a vast conspiracy.
  7. Been on a Kurosawa kick: , Throne of Blood, Yojimbo, probably Rashomon next.
  8. Abe was all about "free labor," as in you go to work for a land owner, earn enough to become a land owner, then you hire another guy, who becomes a land owner, and so on and so on. Slavery screwed up that equation, so it had to go. Did not take into account the US industrial boom of the late 19th century.
  9. Ever see her in "Flirting"? My kinda flick: Geeky outcast gets the gorgeous, smart girl. Naomi Watts second from right.
  10. Not sure. I've just never seen that word here.
  11. What's a .ppt? power point something? Show 'em this, too.
  12. And now to NASCAR! Gotta enjoy your sports while you can. You know in Obama's Socialist States Of America competitive contests will be outlawed. EDIT: IT'S ALREADY BEGUN!!! THE RACE GOT BUMPED TO CABLE IN FAVOR OF FUNNIEST VIDEOS!!!
  13. With the Browns idle, I get a rare NFL Sunday off. Kinda nice kickin' back with a couple goodies so far (Minn-GB, Pitt-Indy) plus Philly-NYG on the way.
  14. I had a huge celebration shot already placed on the PD sports cover. needed a quick change to Steve Heiden getting sandwiched for 1st edition, then Brandon McDonald dropping an interception for 2nd. I really hate night games - and the Browns have two more left!
  15. I actually have this, somewhere around here (a 5.1 mix. Don't worry, I also bought the 4-CD set ).
  16. These guys are spending way too much time and energy making bad movies.
  17. Looks like the Colbert bit, except this time it's "My new white friends!" But we're all beyond that now, right?
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