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Everything posted by tugmoose

  1. If sex can't sell, then Capitalism is officially D-E-A-D.
  2. I'm pullin' for Joe The Quarterback since his mom and dad were in my class in high school.
  3. Graham Greene: Brighton Rock. InDesign CS3 Quickstart Guide.
  4. And don't forget the smart, funny, talented and beautiful of The Last Town Chorus. I live for those 10 minutes when she was all about The Tugger.
  5. The even Beethovens weren't up to par. Symphonies or movies.
  6. If I get it back, it's a loan. If I don't, it's a grant.
  7. But what if you don't want to/need to buy a car? They're still getting your money. You're OK with that?
  8. But what if you don't want to/need to buy a car? They're still getting your money. You're OK with that?
  9. So they don't really need the money, right? (I love answering questions with another question.)
  10. but only if we buy their crap.
  11. And that's what I've always loved about the bailout: Giving banks our money so they can lend us our money and collect interest from us.
  12. Well, at least he's not a Hollywood Pretty Boy. Zooey Deschanel Engaged To Death Cab For Cutie's Ben Gibbard Many gossip sites incorrectly reported that the singer/actress was engaged to AFI bassist Hunter Burgan. By James Montgomery Perhaps we should call them the First Couple of Indie Rock. Death Cab for Cutie frontman Ben Gibbard and actress/ She & Him singer Zooey Deschanel are engaged, sources confirmed to MTV News on Monday (December 29). The confirmation comes hours after many celebrity gossip sites had incorrectly reported that Deschanel was engaged to a different musicia
  13. Well, the only reason they can offer 0 percent is that they got 100 percent of our $5 billion. That doesn't strike me as a sustainable business model. I just thought the bail out money was there to help the companies re-invent themselves, not to help sell the old crap.
  14. Great. Now they're using our money to try to entice people to buy cars nobody wants. Looks like business as usual. GM offers 0-percent financing to boost sales By DAN STRUMPF, AP Auto Writer
  15. (fun fact: I googled "vibes" images and picked this one before I realized it was from "glennkotche.com". a good sign.)
  16. Maybe I'm spoiled by the lovely and talented JHamm, but I can take or leave most concert videos (there are exceptions, like stop making sense and Rust). One or two plays is usually enough. Sure, I'll grab the video, but to me that's about where the band has been. A new CD is about where the band is going.
  17. Interesting that there's so much focus on the DVD and touring here and hardly any on the new CD, which apparently is just months away. Seems like we're burying the lead. Or maybe I'm missing something.
  18. Frankly, how can a company that's bankrupt have any credibility? They're supposed to keep an eye on what everyone else is doing? DECEMBER 08, 2008 Tribune's Victims The idea of a Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing is to give a company breathing room to reorganize its affairs, work out more favorable terms with its bankers and creditors, and generally protect as many of the company's various constituencies as possible. But as details of the Tribune Co. Chapter 11 filing seep out, it's clear that some of Tribune's most vulnerable constituencies
  19. Little Bro appears to have an attitude. Fight the power!
  20. Ridicule the messenger/ignore the message. I like it.
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