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Everything posted by tugmoose

  1. Guess the Chicago bragging rights will go to the team that can salvage a win. I give the Sox a bit more credit - haven't looked as bad in defeat, and they are heading home.
  2. Was I right, or was I right? We can spend $700 Billion and cut taxes!!!
  3. Cubs have never won a post-season series in which they trailed. Kind of amazing.
  4. Well, I think Sullivan's opinion has already been fairly well established.
  5. Saw this on the Andrew Sullivan blog: "Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. famously said of Franklin Roosevelt that he had a 'second-class intellect, but a first-class temperament.' Obama has shown that he is a man of limited experience, questionable convictions, deeply troubling associations (Jeremiah Wright, William Ayers, Tony Rezko) and an alarming lack of self-definition -- do you really know who he is and what he believes? Nonetheless, he's got both a first-class intellect and a first-class temperament. That will likely be enough to make him president," - Charles Krauthammer today.
  6. Did the Cubs forget their gloves in the 2nd inning?
  7. How bout the Mets? I'm rooting for the Phils, but I feel bad for CC. Looks to be out of gas.
  8. Jon Stewart was fairly on fire last night talking to Peggy Noonan about how disappointed he was with the campaigns of both candidates. Along the lines of "Why do they talk to us as if we're five years old?"
  9. This just in . . . McCain pulling out of Michigan Jonathan Martin 55 minutes ago John McCain is pulling out of Michigan, according to two Republicans, a stunning move a month away from Election Day that indicates the difficulty Republicans are having in finding blue states to put in play. McCain will go off TV in Michigan, stop dropping mail there and send most of his staff to more competitive states, including Wisconsin, Ohio and Florida. Wisconsin went for Kerry in 2004, Ohio and Florida for Bush. McCain's campaign didn't immediately respond to a request for comment. Republicans ha
  10. Thank you, Joe Schultz. 10. To Mike Hegan, after he got hit on the arm by a pitch: "Where'd you get it, on the elbow?" Hegan: "No. On the meat of the arm, the biceps." "Oh, shit, you'll be okay. Just spit on it and rub some dirt on it." 9 . "Attaway to stomp 'em. Stomp the piss out of 'em. Stomp 'em when they're down. Kick 'em and stomp 'em. Attaway to go boys. Pound that old Budweiser into you and go get them tomorrow." 8. On pitching to Frank Howard: "Look, whatever you do, don't let him beat you. Don't give him anything good to hit. throw it outside to him. Christ, I don't mean on
  11. Darn thing cut off after about 6 tracks.
  12. Hear it here. 1. Single Girl, Married Girl feat. The Haden Triplets (Rachel, Petra, Tanya Haden) 2. Rambling Boy feat. Vince Gill 3. 20/20 Vision feat. Bruce Hornsby 4. Wildwood Flower feat. Rosanne Cash 5. Spiritual feat. Josh Haden 6. Oh, Take Me Back feat. Rachel Haden & Tanya Haden 7. You Win Again feat. Elvis Costello 8. The Fields Of Athenry feat. Petra Haden 9. Ocean Of Diamonds feat. Dan Tyminski 10. He's Gone Away feat. Tanya Haden 11. A Voice From On High feat. The HadenTriplets (Rachel, Petra, Tanya Haden) 12. Down By The Salley Gardens feat. Ruth Cameron 13. Road Of Broken
  13. I admit I'm talking out my backside. But as I understand it, our entire economy is based on borrowed money. And when things go bad and the banks can't lend money, then they need to borrow money from the taxpayer so that they can lend out money again to the public (taxpayers). So why not cut out the middle man and let the taxpayer keep that money? I know that's a vast oversimplification, but, frankly, what do bankers/market traders actually produce? Would we really miss them? It seems to me the entire system is quite flawed, and I see little advantage to propping up a flawed system. Yeah, thi
  14. Or, to paraphrase the NY Daily News: "Main St. to Wall St.: Drop Dead"
  15. Funny, I was just thinking about Slap Shot minutes ago.
  16. So great. Driver and Mechanic realize that they have no place in this world. GTO hasn't figured that out yet.
  17. The Monte Hellman film with James Taylor (The Driver) and Dennis Wilson (The Mechanic) plus Warren Oates (GTO) and Laurie Bird (The Girl). Anyone else a fan? I'd never seen it through before picking up the Criterion DVD. Car race movie in which time and space do not exist. Harry Dean Stanton plays a gay Okie hitchhiker. Laurie Bird is the only one who gets to sing (horribly), which drove Taylor and Wilson crazy.
  18. Phils look pretty safe. Will have at least 1-game lead over Mets (div) and Milwaukee (wild) heading into final weekend. Play Washington, worst team in NL, at home - should be no prob. Brews have 1 game left vs. Bucs (good) and 3 vs. Cubs (not so much, but again the Cubs didn't look real interested tonight). Mets have another vs. Cubs (ugh, after tonight) and 3 at home vs. Fla. the team that killed 'em at Shea last season. I've been pulling for the Mets to make it, just so Shea and not Yankee Stadium would get the Oct. love, but it's looking like Cubs-Dodgers and Phils-Brewers. Also, do the
  19. Son, that's just not how things are done 'round these parts (In best bourbon-soaked southern drawl). Of course, every weapons program sold to Congress aims to get at least one part built in every congressional district - so that everybody has a stake in keeping it alive.
  20. Tom Kise Regional Communications Director - South Central Region John McCain '08 Email: tkise@mccain08hq.com Cell: (303) 885-8915 Direct Dial: (303) 952-4696 Press Office: (703) 650-5550 TALKING POINTS: SUSPENDING THE CAMPAIGN Topline Messaging:
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