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Everything posted by tugmoose

  1. Sign at RNC: "Drill, Baby, Drill!" Why the hell not? Let's suck it dry, then move on. Palin's outfit rather fetching. . . . "Game On!" McCain's mom: Not too shabby!
  2. Fox report from the floor: "The crowd was rather subdued, I saw some yawns. But afterwords when I interviewed some delegates, they said they liked the speech." Imagine that.
  3. Dems don't wanna talk about it because it makes them look like The Victim, the little kid whose lunch money's been stolen.
  4. The ad. Of course, in 60 or so years most of us will be dead, so why worry? Hell, eventually we're gonna have to get along without oil anyways. Our kids' kids will be smart enough to figure something out.
  5. Ever try "laughing all the way to the bank"? Really quite painful. What disturbs me about the energy thing is the new ad by the oil industry. It says there is enough untapped oil in the US to run 60 million cars for 60 years. These are the oil industry's numbers. When you factor in that there are about 3-4 times that many registered vehicles in the US, you're looking at about 20-30 years worth of oil. Considering that pretty much our whole economy is petroleum based, that's not a heck of a long time before we're tapped out.
  6. I saw this picture yesterday and just had to put it on the Plain Dealer sports cover.
  7. Well, whoever is shopping the who's yer mamma story had better have more than photos of alleged baby bumps, or lack thereof. If not, it's fringe nonsense and a classic overreach that will only make Palin a sympathetic figure. Especially if it involves a girl of 17.
  8. Michael Moore is a Republican operative.
  9. My condolences. I lost my mother a few years back following a 20+ year struggle with MS that left her with only the limited use of her left hand. I'm certain the loss you feel is just as keen as mine was, perhaps even more. My only point was that we all will go sometime. I think I'd rather go doing something I loved, rather than spending years suffering bed sores. But that's just me. Again, my sincere condolences.
  10. Ya know, for 5 and a half years John McCain didn't see any babes' backsides.
  11. Johnny Mac's old, but he ain't too old! Wonder how Hill took the news?
  12. What you'll need is "Merkle's Boner II: The Bigger Bone."
  13. How many of us will be lucky enough to go doing the thing we love? RIP. Triathlete dies after bike crash in Santa Barbara Fri Aug 29, 1:37 AM ET SANTA BARBARA, Calif. - Barbara Warren, one of the world's elite endurance athletes in her age group and one-half of a well-known pair of triathlete twins, has died after breaking her neck in a bike crash at the Santa Barbara Triathlon. She was 65. Warren, of San Diego, died Tuesday at Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital when her family told doctors to take her off a ventilator, her twin sister Angelika Drake told the San Diego Union-Tribune. Warre
  14. I'd be fine with either ticket. Only problem with McCain is his election might appear to be a vote for W. I admit that's a very small way of looking at it, since history will sort those things out.
  15. Here's hoping Obama connects with young adults as well as this guy did.
  16. I covered him in high school and he really is a good guy. Tisdale has part of leg amputated to stem bone cancer Associated Press OKLAHOMA CITY -- Former NBA player Wayman Tisdale had part of his right leg amputated Monday because of bone cancer. Tisdale, 44, revealed on his Web site that the surgery was scheduled for Monday. His wife, Regina, told The Associated Press on Tuesday night the surgery had taken place as planned. "Everything went well," she said. Tisdale, a 6-foot-9 Tulsa native who played for Oklahoma before spending 12 seasons in the NBA with the Indiana Pacers, Sacram
  17. I HATE that moving, virtual background on the stage at the Dem. Convention. Looks crappy, cheesy, and makes the speakers look crappy, cheesy. So I'm voting McCain.
  18. Hoping he can pull through.
  19. This just in . . . Obama Names Musician Rick Astley as Running Mate Self-proclaimed "greatest prank evar" required 18 months, $390 million in prep work Springfield, IL - August 23, 2008 - In front of a cheering crowd as well as in a text message to over three million anxious supporters, U.S. Senator and prospective Democratic Party presidential nominee Barack Obama declared to the world that he had selected 1980's pop musician Rick Astley to be his vice-presidential running mate. Rick Astley, Prospective Democratic nominee for vice-president, pending an immediate alteration to the U.S.
  20. I think that's the point. Right now there is no good place to live.
  21. So Obama will be announcing his VP by TXT message. I wonder how he feels about Freakwater?
  22. Son of a preacher, please. Like the song.
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