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Everything posted by tugmoose

  1. There were tempo issues, but I've heard lots worse.
  2. Broadcast to be replaced by a celebrity cage match between O.J. and Michael Richards.
  3. Is that their look, or is it a noisy ?
  4. Guess he figures it's safe to abandon Bush now that everyone else has. From the Daily Mail. Iraq is a 'disaster' admits Blair By TIM SHIPMAN Tony Blair admitted that British intervention in Iraq has been a disaster last night - sending shockwaves through Westminster. In his frankest admission about the war to date, Mr Blair admitted that Western forces have been powerless to stop the descent into violence. The Prime Minister stopped short of accepting the blame for plunging Iraq to the brink of civil war - blaming instead the insurgent uprising that has killed 125 British troops.
  5. Costello and Tweedy/Wilco seem to be on every project/tribute these days.
  6. From Friday's Plain Dealer: Revulsion is Dead set Columbus punk rock band's whole reason for being is to express hatred for that school up north Friday, November 17, 2006 Jodie Valade Plain Dealer Reporter Bo Biafra met Bo Schembechler once. That's what he says, at least. Biafra says he was about 4 years old when he asked the legendary Michigan coach for an autograph. That's when the story gets fuzzy. Biafra's version includes something about kerosene and blazing fires and, most of all, not getting that autograph. And how all that is the root of his hatred for the coach that inspire
  7. Shouldn't we be focusing on more important issues, like how much John Kerry hates our troops?
  8. Jack: "This is gonna be great; we're covering "I Fought The Law"! Diane: "But the Clash just covered that!" Jack: "Crap! Wait! What's another word for 'the law'?" Diane: "What's with that semicolon?"
  9. The Last Town Chorus 11/29 at Mo Perkins, 34 Avenue A in East Village. Not to be .
  10. Neil on BBC Crown Jewels on VH1. Stunning. (repeats at 2 a.m.)
  11. I liked that song where he rhymes "small town" with "small town." John Cougar>John Cougar Mellencamp>John Mellencamp.
  12. Primetime election night ratings: ABC 10,050,000 NBC 7,189,000 CBS 7,080,000 FOXNEWS 3,050,000 CNN 2,963,000 MSNBC 1,926,000 Who decided to have Keith Olbermann as co-anchor with Chris Matthews on MSNBC? I go to CM for the straight poop, but Olbermann is just irritating. What are his DC/journalistic credentials? I don't mean sitting behind a deck and being a "personality." I mean real shoe-leather journalism.
  13. Is it me, or do all women named Kirsten look exactly like that?
  14. Bush: "(Going into the election) I thought the American people would understand the importance of taxes and the importance of security. Now it's time to move on." Basically, we, the people, made a mistake. Sounds like a man in denial.
  15. Does Bush seem a little off? These weird asides are kinda disturbing.
  16. Chaney next? (wishful thinking, I know.)
  17. Ohio was Dem a long time with Metzanbaum and Glenn in the Senate forever. Very happy to be blue. Now if we could just get that Time-Warner commercial back where the guy says "That's crazy!" everything would be perfect. Colbert to Jim Wexner (D-Fla.): "What's the first thing on the Democratic House agenda: Tax and Spend, Cut and Run, or Man on Man?"
  18. This should clarify everything.
  19. She says she was just joking. Either way, I like it. 'Bout time we started having some excitement at these awards shows.
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