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Everything posted by OOO

  1. I'm hoping for a mediocre game tonight so more people consider putting Utah at #1 in the AP poll, and maybe some people in the USA Today poll too.
  2. This is my carbonated beverage of choice.
  3. The best part is the lead in to the next story
  4. I had an 8x8 at In N out once. which is 8 patties of meat and 8 pieces of cheese, which looks the same as that bad boy. Nothing else on it but grilled onions. That was my crowning achievement in eating during college. Although 2 Chipotle burritos in the same sitting gets some applause as well.
  5. They haven't caught me yet!
  6. Searching for words gets exponentially more CPU intensive the shorter the words get. In theory a bunch of 2 or 3 letter searches could slow the site down.
  7. btw you can deactivate all your computers once a year and start over with the 5. Although I think you may have to have maxed out the 5 accounts for them to let you start over.
  8. This is not the "The Duchess of Cornwall is pregnant" thread that I thought it would be
  9. Listen, if you want it then you got to put a ring on it.
  10. Really, it wasn't Apple that got with the program, it was the record studios. Apple has wanted to have DRM free songs for a long time, but the record studios have been holding out because they felt Apple had too much power in the market. So they let Amazon and some other stores do DRM-free music for a while to get some competitiveness in the market. Furthermore, Apple was really stubborn about wanting all music to be $.99 no matter what. Eventually though they had to back off on this so that they could get DRM-free music. So now some newer, "hot" tracks are going to be $1.29, regular tra
  11. When those 3 episodes came out all in the row, I couldn't believe it. By far some of my favorites of the new series.
  12. there is a video online of a guy who jumped from a balloon in one of these windsuits, the catch being that he attached JETS to his boots and fired them off as he jumped. And it worked. Also, on the Dark Knight DVD, there is a special feature where they mention windsuits to explain how batman glided off that building.
  13. Yeah, I saw this on digg a couple days ago. It's amazing and looks like so much fun, though I somehow doubt I would be brave enough to try it.
  14. That was exciting! Buckeyes will be better next year.
  15. We have similar friends (or we both have friends that know us well) One of my friends drew a watercolor picture of the doctor + Tardis for me last christmas.
  16. Well... Billie Piper worked out well, and Kylie Minogue was fine.
  17. I'll be rooting for OSU tonight. And hey, the Big 12 south is 0-2 in bowl games right now, so how good can any team in there be anyway?
  18. He'll have his work cut out for him after Eccleston and Tennent, but we'll see. Haven't seen him in costume yet, and haven't seen him act, so I'm more than happy to give him the benefit of the doubt.
  19. The guy's name is Matt Smith Never heard of him, but we'll see.
  20. From that list, I would like Chiwetel Ejiofor, mostly because of Serenity and Children of Men.
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