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Everything posted by OOO

  1. OOO

    New album news!

    Why are you bringing me into this?
  2. OOO

    New album news!

    I don't really remember the dates last time, but didn't the album come out in may but they streamed it on wilcoworld for a day in march or something? So assuming the June date is accurate, we might hear this in April. They have streamed the past 3 albums online before they came out, so this one should be no different methinks.
  3. Shouldn't there be a mini-Ben Linus walking around the Dharma Initiative? I would think over the course of 3 years the 815 people would have picked up on a kid named Ben Linus, and Juliette might have clued people into the fact that he is going to gas them all in the future.
  4. Hmm... I've seen the Arcade Fire a few times and I can't really say I thought they were being pretentious or anything. They were super, super, energetic and got all the fans into it. Actually, one of the only bands I think I've seen that puts more energy into their show than Arcade Fire is...The Flaming Lips. Of all the rock personalities out there, I think Wayne Coyne is my second favorite (beaten out only by David Byrne). Every interview/documentary/show I've been to just confirm how cool he is, while being pretty down to earth. So if he says some pretentiousness stuff went on, I bel
  5. I use both and enjoy both. If safari is working fine for you and you are used to it, it ain't no thang.
  6. I recall listening to his stories as a kid as well. Cool guy.
  7. This is sort of how I envisioned it: The new plane was crashing and was right above the main island when the island jumped in time. The time jumping effects people who have been on the island different lengths of time...differently. The others don't jump with the island, but the oceanic 815 people do jump. So all the oceanic 815 survivors time jumped out of the plane when the flash hit, and fell from the sky in the past. Locke didn't jump because he wasn't alive yet (I don't think dead people jump through time), Ben didn't jump because he was an other, and Lapidus didn't jump because, um
  8. He needed information from John that he didn't have. Once he knew that he had to talk to Eloise Hawking to get back to the island, and with the knowledge that he could lure Sun with the ring, he didn't need John anymore. Since John is the new leader of the others, I assume Ben felt like he could do a better job protecting the island as leader. Furthermore, being friends with Widmore would be a cardinal sin to Ben, so I think he also got him out of the way to make sure Whidmore didn't have any cards to play or something. Ben is pretty bad at keeping John dead.
  9. OOO

    Wilco DVD

    You can download the trailer onto your iPhone here if you want to: feeds.feedburner.com/WilcoPodcast
  10. 28 Days Later is definitely still my favorite of his. Slumdog was really good and I liked it more than the other best picture nominees that i saw, but in a normal year I would have been sort of aghast that it won. I think last year it would have been 3rd at best for me, behind No Country and THere will be Blood.
  11. No one could have pulled off that Aliens role better than him Game over, man! GAME OVER!
  12. Not many surprises tonight, although I dug the Peter Gabriel tune more than the Slumdog ones. I do enjoy seeing Slumdog clean up though.
  13. I teared up a little. That guy got me through freshman year of college. Not that it was bad or anything, but I watched a lot of conan.
  14. Ben's lawyer made it pretty clear that while at first the police suspected Hurley, all the evidence proved he couldn't have killed the people, and he'd be out on bail in the morning. He's a good lawyer, after all. I don't think Sayid is under arrest for anything recent, but rather a crime he committed on the other side of the world. he's been a worldwide assassin for Ben for a couple years now. (we saw him pull off a couple hits, like the one in Paris) So presumably the one in Guam he got a little sloppy and they traced it back to him and they caught him and are extraditing him to Guam
  15. He was laughing because he's about to ban both of you.
  16. I would be shocked if they ever got Daley on anything. He seems pretty careful. But Burris needs to get out of Dodge. "Shortest term for a U.S. Senator from Illinois" would look good on that mausoleum.
  17. To be fair, they should be drawing cartoons of Obama as a monkey, since they did it a lot to the last president. In a world without racism, all our presidents would be drawn as apes without consequence!
  18. I just watched all the seasons (up to the current episode) in the last month, so I can now post in this thread.
  19. Let me be the first to say: Happy Birthday, you are a cool dude.
  20. I thought no one listened to AM after Being There came out. But yeah, Fairness Doctrine sounds stupid to me.
  21. I was going to recommend VNC as well.
  22. My understanding was that steroids are a worse form of cheating not because of their effect on the game or the players, but the assumption that some kids will grow up with the idea that the only way to be a superstar is to take steroids, which have a health risk. I don't know if I agree with that argument, but kids growing up wanting to take steroids is literally harming the fans, whereas most other forms of cheating (Ty Cobb beating up fans excluded) do not.
  23. Don't say that you love me....TUSK!
  24. Well, it is the best collegiate marching band in the world, or officially: "The Greatest Marching Band in the History of the Universe". Combine that with Radiohead, and it was pretty F'ing sweet
  25. 1. Beatles - A Taste of Honey 2. Radiohead - Hunting Bears 3. Wilco - Woodgrain 4. Talking Heads - Sax and Violins 5. The Who - The Relay
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