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Everything posted by OOO

  1. Pitchfork has The Flaming Lips, so I'll be headed that-a-way.
  2. I thought you could download the stuff now without the DVD in your drive. There is talk of that in another thread.
  3. Dude, The Killers are playing. Read the lineup before commenting!
  4. That is an eye for an eye, which is not the Golden Rule. At all.
  5. This is not necessarily 100% relevant, but I watch the show 24, and it's really easy to watch that show and get angry at people who want criminals/terrorists to have due process. There are a bunch of times on the show when Jack isn't able to torture someone and terrorists are able to get away with there plan and/or Jack tortures someone and uses that information to win the day. "THERE'S NO TIME, MR. PRESIDENT!!! IF I DON'T DO THIS RIGHT NOW, INNOCENT AMERICANS ARE GOING TO DIE!" Anyway, I'm able to separate that show from reality, but I wouldn't be surprised if some people are less agai
  6. Well first off, pretty much all the stuff on The Pirate Bay is copyrighted stuff, but Swedish law, in theory, was murkier than US law on that sort of thing. Furthermore, the site is not going down anytime soon. Even before the ruling came out, the pirate bay had said that whichever side lost would be appealing the ruling, so its going to go to the next higher court. Secondly, the site itself is not on trial, and even if they go to jail, theres nothing in the ruling that says it will be shut down. They claim they will be keeping it up for as long as possible. And like you said, if it eve
  7. I love the song, I just wouldn't consider it a suite.
  8. I am sort of appalled that no one mentioned Bohemian Rhapsody. I'll also throw Radiohead's Paranoid Android and Fab Four's Happiness is a Warm Gun (But not You Know My Name, Look Up the Number).
  9. Isn't there a high speed rail line that was approved by voters in CA going up between The Bay Area and Orange County? Yes on cool trains - No on gay marriage, if I recall correctly.
  10. I am sure they will eventually post the show on the website in the roadcase section.
  11. "back when being a musician meant actually knowing how to [sic] your instrument well"
  12. I definitely lol'ed, but its nothing compared to the interview of the costume shop lady that you posted a couple days ago.
  13. The Lennon/Simon video was way cooler than the Macca/Wayne one. You're losing your edge.
  14. Steak on Hibachi FACTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Those N.A.S.A. guys really are smart. I thought for sure that their backs were up against the wall with respect to the Node 3 naming issue, but the Combined Operational Load Bearing External Resistance Treadmill (COLBERT) is a perfect compromise.
  16. OOO

    Wilco DVD

    I have the DVD in my hands right now. Go USPS!
  17. We have some theater here that charges $4.50* all day for first run movies. Its not the greatest theater ever, but it gets the job done, so I always go to that one. *its $4.50 since I still use my student ID from college, I think its $6.00 for normies.
  18. That is definitely the first thing that came to mind when i heard about this story. Btw, doesn't the word "released" imply that the pirates willingly let him go? I think "rescued" is more apt.
  19. Why would UNIT deal with them? The doctor can drop them off on their home planet in the Tardis. They don't even have to show that, they just walk into the box.
  20. I picked US mail as my preorder option from MusicToday, and I got a notification from them on Friday that my package had been shipped, if that helps at all.
  21. If I was asked to play an opening set for Son Volt, I'd probably do it.
  22. Jeff is a Cardinal's fan but will have thrown out pitches for the Cubs and the Brewers. I am sure someone who takes baseball more seriously than I will be appalled at this.
  23. It just reinforces the tired stereotype that people who don't look like humans are expendable.
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