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Everything posted by OOO

  1. I thought that was great. Nice sense of impending doom - the less they showed what was coming the scarier it was. I wish they hadn't just killed off the fly guys :-( I definitely like Christina as a companion, she was cool. She looked a bit like Gwen from Torchwood to me. Maybe we'll see her again. Or maybe she'll just change her name to Mrs. Frazzle and ride on the Magic School Bus.
  2. "With all the radiohead deluxe editions"? The stuff the record company is putting out to spite Radiohead for leaving the label? Why would I want to pay again for a Wilco record I already have and/or for demo songs that I already have?
  3. wtf wtf?! "Tall buildings shake Voices escape singing sad sad songs Tuned to chords strung down your cheeks Bitter melodies turning your orbit around Voices whine Skyscrapers are scraping together Your voice is smoking " It was supposed to come out exactly on September 11, 2001...Your X-files BS is nothing... please at least admit that you are completely wrong....at least
  4. True, but its not a word that often comes up in day to day conversations. Except when I go to Howdy Doody conventions.
  5. I somehow accidentally learned the word venquilotrist and not ventriloquist. Whoops.
  6. Maybe Sawyer is going to wish he was never born and Clarence the angel is going to grant his wish and suddenly the island is going to be overrun by Whidmore's corporation. And Sawyer will say "But Ben and Locke stopped Whidmore from coming back to the island!" And Clarence will say "Ben died when he was a child and Locke was murdered by his father, because you weren't there to save them!" And then Sawyer will realize that he really did have a wonderful life after all.
  7. You guys should listen to the lyrics in Yankee Hotel Foxtrot. The original release date for that one was September 11, 2001. Jeff was in on it too.
  8. I'll third what Wendy and Scott said and say - you should hang out here more often. Happy Birthday!
  9. I have seen like a million ads for this thing online various places (apparently I'm part of their key demographic). The clips I saw from it looked terrible, so I didn't check it out.
  10. Let me be the first to say that I will be downloading all these for free. We have like 3 copies of all these albums (records, multiple CDs) in my house, and I could care less about supporting Apple Records at this point in time. I even bought the soundtrack to that Love musical. Maybe I'll buy the Rock Band game as penance, or see Paul or Ringo and the All Star Band next time they come around town, but they are not getting free money from me!
  11. You're a day late and a dollar short, but I'll still wish you happy birthday! Happy Birthday, Pig Sooie! I think of you every time I drink out of my Stax glass and everytime I wear my Stax T-shirt. (and every time I break my tail bone thingy)
  12. Thanks, everyone! I had a pretty mediocre birthday, so all these birthday wishes from my best VC buds really made my day!! On the bright side, my siblings finally realized that weird instruments are perfect presents for me, so I'll be playing, among other things, a nose flute (N.A.P.E.) in my next song.
  13. Oh my, I was flying cross country on monday, so I missed this one. Happy Birthday, 4/6/9 is a dallas area code!
  14. I really hope they can keep their awesome movie streak going until I have young children, since that would make going to the movies much more enjoyable.
  15. Sorry I missed this one, but happy birthday!
  16. I am usually pretty good at recognizing April Fools jokes, but the multiple pages of the thread added some legitimacy to this one.
  17. Thanks, Wendy! Actually, every time she goes to the store now and asks if anyone needs anything she always looks at me and says "Shampoo?" I'm never going to live it down.
  18. I have and like very much Bring it On, Liquid Skin, and How we Operate... But if the reviews on this are no good...
  19. Flaming Lips = I'm in for a ticket on Sunday.
  20. My prediction: Jack is going to expose himself as a doctor to save lil' Ben.
  21. I completely disagree with Mr. Couger in general. The internet and computers have made it ridiculously easy for people without a giant support structure (i.e. a record label) to get their art seen and heard. The way people listened to music has changed and the way people will make money off music will change, but I believe things are changing towards favoring the little guy over the corporations and not vice versa. I agree with PopTodd that one of the directions thing will move in is free content supported by advertisements. I have a musician friend who makes serious money through adverti
  22. I stopped reading that article when he took a pot shot at the Monster Mash. F that guy.
  23. I was expecting Sayid to try and kill Ben the whole episode. What I really would have liked to have seen was after shooting him and starting to walk away, Sayid comes back and shoots Ben two times in the head. He's just got a stomach wound...people in TV shows come back from those all the time, especially on islands with healing powers.
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