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Everything posted by OOO

  1. Very strong record. After the first listen, I've got really good vibes off almost every song, and some of them are already amazing and I want to see them live. You Never Know is definitely Harrisonesque, but man, Sonny Feeling is so fun. But so is Wilco the Song... And Bull Black Nova is A++. Also dig You and I and One Wing. I will have to listen to some of the slower tunes more, but Wilco is back!
  2. Someone should probably start an album reflection thread. Wilco The Song, Bull Black Nova, and Sonny Feeling are my faves so far. You and I is beautiful as well.
  3. Sonny Feeling is taking away!!
  4. I like this a lot more than Sky Blue Sky already.
  5. Wilco will LOVE YOU BABY!!!!!
  6. My email is OSXpert AT gmail
  7. If its any consolation, you're less wrong about the Shins than you are about MMJ.
  8. The Flaming Lips to Drop Double LP -Might be called Embryonic -Song titles include "Convinced of the Hex" and "I Don't Understand Karma". -
  9. Yeah, they are changing it to SyFy and it's one of the more stupid ideas I've heard of. Apparently SyFy sounds less geeky.
  10. I heard that they are going to find out that the hydrogen bomb is actually a device for detecting sarcasm on the internet.
  11. I definitely liked the movie a lot, but I found the climax to be somewhat lacking. I think I needed to see a more of Eric Bana's character (so I could either hate him or feel something about him more) so that the finale would be more tense. It just kind of felt like "oh, I guess everything is resolved so its the end of the movie." I dunno. But overall, really good. Casting, action, throwbacks, etc couldn't have been done much better.
  12. Same deal here. Loved the first two, liked some of the stuff on the third one but mostly meh, hoping for better this time around.
  13. Brian Wilson took music very seriously.
  14. I am a sucker for space, so $2 billion extra seems low.
  15. :worship I think we should all pitch in a dollar or two and get Speed Racer a copy of the new Ashes of American Flags DVD in appreciation of all the hard work put into these lyrics! :worship
  16. MAN!!!!! :worship :worship Thanks for the hookup, PigSooie.
  17. I saw this a couple weeks ago and was given explicit instruction on where to find the girl at the time, so i did not waste any time.
  18. Thank you for this excellent tip.
  19. Jay clarifies the lawsuit on his website: http://www.jaybennett.com/
  20. I like reading the responses in this thread, but I have to make sure to scroll really fast past the first post so I don't see the before images each time. Once this gets on page two, make sure no one quotes the first post. (Furthermore, don't just quote the first post just to spite me)
  21. 1. Pete Townshend 2. George Harrison 3. Nels Cline 4. Johnny Greenwood 5. The Edge
  22. I didn't read through the whole thread, but I'm assuming you're asking us to listen to some Grateful Dead. I turned on Wharf Rat. You're Welcome.
  23. Isn't Jeff's middle name "Scott" and not "Scot"? And everyone should read the court document that gogo posted before speculating any more.
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