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Everything posted by OOO

  1. You do not have a legitimate complaint, you're just whining. You have no idea what reasons the bands picked what venues. Jeff had things to do in LA. Not only were his kids and wife there with him to visit their new nephew (as I stated above), but they had the Tonight Show, and they were also apparently doing recording with Beck in LA. Nels is based out of LA and I'm sure he was happy to hang out in his home city. And yeah, Los Angeles is the 2nd biggest city in the country, so calling it "out-of-the-way" is really making you seem sane and rational. I'm sorry you are too lazy to driv
  2. P.S. Jeff and Sue have a brand new nephew in Los Angeles that they were visiting for the first time, which is a pretty good reason to chill out in LA. How pretentious.
  3. I consistently receive albums from them well before the release date. Do you live in Canada or something?
  4. Jesus Christ, Superstar -> Price is Right?!
  5. Some dude was (unaware that he was) near a microphone and was telling some other dude what sort of desires he had about a young lady.
  6. http://forums.viachicago.org/topic/40190-st-vincent/
  7. Lennon and McCartney own the writing rights which is probably half the total rights, so McCartney probably already gets 25% of the total royalties. Michael Jackson had the publishing rights, which again is probably 50%, and he sold half those rights to Sony, so Paul at best will be getting another 25% rights to the song. So now when you hear a Beatles song on the radio, your money will be going to 50% Paul, 25% Yoko, and 25% Sony. (Assuming its not a George song)
  8. The new Regina Spektor song is "Laughing With" which is here: http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=58073111 there are lots of lines about God in it.
  9. This is not the Jeff Tweedy plaster caster thread I was expecting.
  10. I decided to pick only one album per band, or there would have been some repeats, but... 1. Yankee Hotel Foxtrot - Wilco 2. Kid A – Radiohead 3. Turn on the Bright Lights – Interpol 4. Boxer – The National 5. Z – My Morning Jacket 6. For Emma, Forever Ago – Bon Iver 7. Oh, Inverted World – The Shins 8. () – Sigur Ros 9. Mass Romantic – The New Pornographers 10. Quicksand Cradlesnakes – Califone 11. The Mysterious Production of Eggs – Andrew Bird 12. Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots – The Flaming Lips 13. Fleet Foxes – Fleet Foxes 14. Funeral – The Arcade Fire 15. The Life Pursuit – Belle a
  11. OOO

    Dark Neon

    There is no way for him to know what the song sounds like because the album is not out yet.
  12. I think if you actually go back you'll find that 95% of people is way too high, and plenty of people the whole time said they respected Jay's musical contributions. Take for example, the thread where it was first revealed that he needed hip replacement surgery: http://forums.viachicago.org/topic/39705-jay-bennett-posts-about-upcoming-surgery/ Lots of people were ready and willing to donate money to help the guy out. That's saying something. Sure, some people were less in love with Jay when it turned out he had sued Jeff, but we didn't (and still don't) know the particulars of the case an
  13. To add to this conspiracy theory, there's the background of the new album and also he mentions Berlin in Sunny Feeling I believe.
  14. Right, If we are talking about the quality of the bands who have sold the most tickets at their peak over time, I think I could get behind the statement that quality has gone down. But its probably also the case that there are a lot of better smaller bands. And its pretty easy to ignore Hannah Montana, Jonas Brothers, Britney Spears, etc and just enjoy the plethora of good bands that are definitely out there and have earned their popularity.
  15. I like the new album, though I'm not sure I agree with all the publications that it's better than her debut. At any rate, she's playing a free show at Millenium Park that I will definitely be going to: http://www.millenniumpark.org/parkevents/event.aspx?id=846
  16. I previously had moderator status on the old board version, and I think somehow in the upgrade I was bumped down to just a normal user, so if you could just go ahead and reset that parameter that'd be great.
  17. Listen bro, I decided to turn the other cheek and give you a +1, so chill out.
  18. One cool thing...it automatically directed me to the low bandwidth version when I logged on with my iPhone.
  19. The only possible problem I have with it at the moment is that I wish there was more of a clear distinction between pinned threads and active threads. It seemed like before since they were more physically separated it was easier to tell what was new and what wasn't.
  20. The Kay-Settes (Jeff, Jay, Leroy) show on 09-11-1999 is a good one, and includes not only the first time Kamera was played, but also some nice rarities like Cajun Angel.
  21. Yeah I saw that. Thats not a good idea.
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