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Everything posted by OOO

  1. Zombies eating my guts(i.e. spaghetti and BBQ sauce) out as I scream in protest. It was a Halloween avatar that I didnt change.
  2. I like Delirium a lot, but I don't know if that makes me a beer snob.
  3. She knew that Deb and Lundy were facing each other on the ground as Lundy died, so she saw his last breath.
  4. Neko Case St. Vincent Billie Holiday Madonna Heart Blondie Joni Mitchell Deerhoof Aretha Franklin Janis Joplin
  5. (Spoiler) A month early!
  6. You had a good facebook post about all the years you happened to miss U2.
  7. Maybe you'll end up looking really smart down the line.
  8. I can't imagine how much fun it must have been for them to beat up on USC after our lengthly reign over the Pac 10, so I can't really hold much against them. I've always had a soft spot in my spot for Stanford, because I think their band and mascot are really funny.
  9. Waters of Mars was fun. I watched it with the lights off by myself and I thought those were some of the creepier baddies theyve had in the new series. The ending was a little odd. The mad-with-power doctor seemed strange to me, and even though it stemmed from his desire to save more people, it didn't feel 100% right. Perhaps they are setting something up for the series finale though - something about him paying for trying to mess with time or sacrificing a regeneration to not be the last of the timelords. Overall, a solid little piece though nothing substantial.... I'm not looking forwa
  10. What's college football? never heard of it.
  11. People who don't like Paul McCartney's songs don't listen to music correctly.
  12. Where's Rex Grossman when you need him?!
  13. While I do find Mr. Dawkin's methods annoying, at least he's being pushy and arrogant about facts and not things like Creationism or anything. I think he should tone it down, but he's not as bad as people who want to teach young earth stuff in school or don't want gay marriage, etc.
  14. I did indeed go the summer before last. We spent about 4 days total in Cusco I believe. There are a good amount of ancient ruins in and around the city, and you can buy a little mini-passport thing that allows you to access all of them. We took busses and collectivos most of the way to Aguas Caliente because we wanted to see the small mountain towns that all had pretty interesting ruins of their owns, but we picked up the train eventually and stayed in Aguas Calientes for one night. Aguas Calientes is very touristy and is very expensive relative to other places in Peru, so we got in and
  15. It took a little getting used to, but I can type super fast on my iPhone now. Emails are no problem.
  16. Yes, we've not had the s*** kicked out of us like that since I became a fan/student of USC. I am glad to not be too into sports and have something else to do (Halloween). Holiday Bowl here we come!!
  17. I would suspect the reporter as the killer over Quinn. She has something to gain (a good story) and has already shown she is willing to go to great lengths to get the story. The big reveal will be when she reports information on one of the murders, and Quinn will realize he didn't tell her that information, and the only way she could have gotten it is if SHE was the killer. But seriously I initially never considered the killer being anyone but Trinity.
  18. Even I have a song about writing songs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfuQPV2E_RE
  19. we met briefly at a pre-livingroom show party a couple years ago and I reckognized you. We do not know eachother well, though that's mostly my fault since I also passed you by in the tent at pitchfork. I'm very shy in real life.
  20. Very true, but I agree with those above - it's an amazing album. Pure pop awesomeness. P.S. I saw you walk by me after the Sunday night Wilco show but didn't get a chance to say hello.
  21. OOO

    UIC Chicago

    I will be attending this event in the General Admission section. Incognito, of course.
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