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Everything posted by OOO

  1. No DRM means no DRM; you can do whatever you want with your music. The files are tagged with your name on them, however, so if you upload it to a filesharing site, everyone will be able to play it, but everyone will know who it came from too. The transition to All DRM-free is not complete yet, plus there will still be DRM on videos for the time being, so that is why the documentation is still up.
  2. Man, who in their right mind would want to mess up the bean? that is bush league!
  3. The Oggmonster is pretty sweet, but I have a mancrush on Murray.
  4. I don't think you should feel bad about not liking them. They are definitely not everyone's bag. I think their manager Murray is what really makes the show though...he's what I find consistantly hilarious.
  5. I've got hurt feelings. I've got hurt feelings!
  6. My dad is a Route 66 nut! We have the DVD of a few of those PBS specials, and of course he loved the movie "Cars". It was definitely a special trip.
  7. Well, I just negotiated this as my birthday present from my ma and pa. Seeya in Chicago!
  8. I went from Chicago to LA via route 66 a few years back. I enjoyed seeing the Catoosa blue whale: Also, the Big Texan Steak Ranch in Amarillo, TX has free 72 ounce steaks if you can finish them in time:
  9. My brother-in-law had the correct reaction to this story: "whoever took that picture and sold it to the press is a dick."
  10. I landed it on the first try as well. Then again, flying planes runs in my family.
  11. This is how I feel. Also, allowing 100 yard pick sixes is a no no.
  12. 2 classic Superbowls in a row. Good work, teams!
  13. whatever...I don't think he has anything to be ashamed about.
  14. Please learn to use the search function. You could have posted this here or here. Happy Birthday, Analogman!
  15. They will never beat the year I snuck in for free, in my book (Even if Wilco didn't show up) :
  16. I was busy electing Arnold in California when my first time to vote for a governor came around, so I am probably one of the few Illinoisians who hasn't voted for a crooked governor!
  17. Funny, I was going to say another guy in that band...
  18. The next Dr. Who special is partially filmed in Dubai, and they shipped one of those double decker buses overseas, but it ended up getting smashed pretty good in transit: http://www.gallifreyone.com/picview.php?re...amp;id=Bus1.jpg http://www.gallifreyone.com/picview.php?re...amp;id=Bus2.jpg
  19. Thank you very much. I listened to two new albums today and I liked them both!
  20. that bon iver dude was locked up in a wisconsin cabin so that barely counts.
  21. Governors come and go, but the king of Illinois is still in office!
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