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Everything posted by OOO

  1. they do in england
  2. this should be on the album methinks.
  3. There's no need to note it twice.
  4. I correctly picked all the 1st round matches except for raptors vs. nets. Hopefully that won't hurt my bracket too much.
  5. No i haven't. I have been meaning to check out Extras and Spaced.
  6. speaking of people who belong in jail...
  7. So much fun. Havent seen Shaun of the Dead since it was in theaters, but id say I liked this one more. I couldn't believe the gore! Also, I enjoyed seeing the Ogg Monster from the office!!
  8. Somehow I doubt it.... Thanks again everyone for your help. I don't have to make the decision for another couple weeks, but you've all given me lots to consider...And the more opinions the better!
  9. Well thanks to you guys, im leaning towards the Telecaster. It does sound like what I want. Here are some other guitars he has: Rickenbacker 6 string 360 v64 ( the 12 string is 360-12 v64) Gibson L5S Gibson ES-355 thinline cherry Random Facts: -His Country Gentleman was made in 1964 -the Les Paul has a synthasizer pick up. -the parker fly is the only one with a whammy bar. (and it has 24 frets not that that matters) -the strat is the "Jeff Beck signature model" -Telecastor is "American Deluxe"
  10. On the right is definitely mike and yeah i would guess the left is nels, but not 100%... and standing in front of midwest buy and sell!
  11. OOO


    oops, sorry!
  12. Happy Birthday SarahC, hope its a great one!
  13. OOO


    Melissa - Wikipedia is a wiki encyclopedia. A wiki is essentially a website that allows visitors to edit any of the content. Everyone and anyone can edit the content on a wiki. You don't even have to register to edit the content of it. So to answer your question, there is not one author of the wikipedia entry, rather a LARGE group of random anonymous authors (mostly fans) who know a lot about wilco and are interested in making sure the information is accurate. The power of wikipedia is that it has the whole world to be its authors. Now, since everyone can change it, there is a danger
  14. I'm probably looking most for versatility, since im probably going to be taking lessons very soon and id like to be able to do a wide variety of things well. I'm not in a band or anything, and will only have this one electric, so whatever sounds/feels the best for the widest variety of things, be it rhythym or soloing. I like rock and roll, and my favorite bands are Wilco, the Beatles, and Radiohead. Also a tiny part of me also wants to have a guitar that people are like "ooh thats a cool guitar". But thats just a tiny part
  15. Ok so, I don't really know anything about electric guitars, and I have only played on an acoustic (and only for 3 years now) but for my college graduation in a week my dad (who is a guitar geek) wants to give me one of his many electric guitars so that I continue playing music. Anyway like I said I don't know anything about guitars, but if I remember off the top of my head these are some of the guitars he has: Parker Fly Fender Stratocaster Fender Telecastor Country Gentleman Gibson Les Paul Rickenbacher 12 string? He is a beatles nut so if applicable, these are the models that george o
  16. The first rule of getting tech support is actually describing the problem, not just saying "it doesn't work" 1. Control Click the link above. (this means holding down ctrl and clicking at the same time) 2. you will get a contextual menu that pops up and you should click "download linked file". 3. It should download to your desktop, or wherever you have things set up to download 4. As i stated above, if it has the extenstion .txt you will have to rename the file from .m4v.txt to .m4v this is very simple. To rename things on a mac you: 1. Click on the file 2. Pause 3. Click on the name
  17. this is a video trailer for the DVD part of the CD + DVD package coming out on May 15th. Its got a little voice over from Jeff with Shake it Off playing in the background and then various shots from the movie, including ALL current band members (even Pat!). There's some fun footage on it, including nels being silly, and I guess this is the first time ive heard that the DVD is called Shake it Off here's the podcast link Here is the actual file. Right click this* *Control + click for macs. If it downloads for you as m4v.txt just delete the .txt part of it. the file should be called
  18. OOO


    He also doesn't have Jessica/Nikki's powers or The haitin (since he cant get close to the haitin without losing powers) and probably not Linderman's ( and maybe not Christopher Eccleston - Invisible Guy) but who knows. Essentially, he killed the Mystique like character who can morph into anyone, took her power. Then he killed Nathan Patrelli and took his power and his identity. Now, he can have Matt the cop and Homeland security go out and get the "terrorist" heroes without being chased as sylar himself. Not a bad plan. No idea, but I am thinking he probably was cut/injured by someth
  19. If you were more specific with what you actually did and what actually went wrong, I'm sure someone could help you out step by step.
  20. I figure that the lost people have their thread, so we should have a heroes thread too since Heroes is better than lost. with lots of spoilers from the current episodes! I thought the last episode (5 years in the future) was awesome.
  21. Kicking Television and Sky Blue Sky (Someone had to)
  22. just got an email from WilcoWorld about this (and i dug up this old thread ( )) and decided to post it here: "We're still doing our weekly contest and have given away some nice stuff the past few weeks: the complete Wilco back catalog on CD - including -a signed copy of Sky Blue Sky (to Dana M. of Brooklyn, NY), -an iPod shuffle loaded with Sky Blue Sky (to Larry B. of Warwick, RI), -the latest CDs from all Wilco side projects (to Jared P. of Durham, NC), -a complete set of 2007 Wilco posters (to German U., also from Durham, NC - must be a lucky town) -and the Wilco vinyl catalogue (
  23. Chipotle burritos. And burritos in general.
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