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Everything posted by OOO

  1. I got this hand delivered to me all the way out in Los Angeles and leafed through it. It's a fun read. but yeah, they really are getting lots of press.
  2. Since I've heard it already and im on a tight budget, I opted for slow as possible mail.
  3. This is not the Eating-Irish-Children-To-Cure-Poverty Thread I thought it would be. That said, my preorder is shipped.
  4. i suppose this means more money for my school, but i wish he'd just cut his losses (well....cut his ridiculous earnings) and get out while he still has some face. That being said, I have faith in Indiana Jones IV because Spielberg hasn't lost his touch, Harrison is Harrison, Connery is Connery, and lucas has always been a good writer, just not the best director ever...
  5. Definitely a favorite of mine. The lyrics are too good.
  6. oooooh i wanna go....It's a good thing im moving to austin
  7. Me neither, but I think he's good.
  8. I'm betting on Steve Nash deciding this series.
  9. That doesn't....make sense.
  10. Yeah my dad told me not to decide before i sat down with all of them. But I'm not sure I'm expert enough or smart enough to know what feels right or to know what I'm looking for. I just wanted some expert advice on the situation from you all. ...And I got it! Thanks everyone for the fantastic suggestions.
  11. OOO


    Thats an interesting take on things. I kind of like it!
  12. no one else in my family plays guitar, so yes, the guitars would go to me if he passed away, but i hope that doesn't happen for 50+ years. I am serious about playing guitar, but not "its my only job" serious. Just "I really really enjoy it" serious. Also, ill probably be living at home for a few months pretty soon and they are all out and about in his guitar room, so I'll always have chances to play these other guitars, its just which one will be the best in the long term.
  13. I was absolutely head over heels in love with their first album and now i feel like they are floating just somewhere above mediocre...
  14. no i like flick alot. (and i had to balance out my rude prison statement)
  15. Speaking of people who provide beauty and fun...
  16. OOO


    It's so true! Maybe that's her power: Channeling Angela Lansbury from The Manchurian Candidate.
  17. OOO


    hmm...the latest episode was decent, though much less action then the last episode and felt more like setting up for next week. Questions... Did sylar break off Hiro's time freeze or did Hiro break it off on his own by not concentrating? Mohinder's blood will help the finding-girl even though they arent related? Why do you they need to take backroads to New York if they have trackers on them? What's Grandma Petrelli's power do you think?
  18. OOO

    being there

    YHF is and probably will always be my favorite, but Being There is a close second. It's hard to beat Misunderstood.
  19. it's a meme. Thats all i know. Plus that was kind of a mean response up there.
  20. there are almost always a few people who record them. I will try to be one of them. You needn't worry.
  21. Is it really the best choice for someone without any other guitars though? I'm assuming its more fragile than the other ones. Theres also the fact that I'm leaning towards picking a guitar that my dad isn't too emotionally attached to and im assuming the '64 Gentleman is pretty special...but he did offer all of them so thats not a hard and fast rule.
  22. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_%28mus...#United_Kingdom
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