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Everything posted by jhc

  1. Thanks a lot - sounds great. Funny that Walken started off in the style of the solo acoustic version..
  2. I thought he's had that for a while - an old Kay or Silvertone?
  3. um no, it's you're welcome I would have thought Caliber would have already been on this
  4. you are correct sir It also works nicely on ALTWYS, though I'm not at all certian Tweedy every uses it for that song
  5. He says that to all the crowds
  6. they all seem to be animated to me Ps - your post gave me a seizure
  7. Those are very important chord shapes to know for sure, but just to be technical they aren't really inversions.
  8. Have you ever seen a show from of the theater?
  9. I for one am fine with an mp3 versio for playing on the computer if yoy're so inclined....
  10. about an hour, the opening set was maybe 45 minutes
  11. I think the new album is good. I think Jay could have laid off some of the production on some tracks for sure. But there's some good material (just skip track 1, which sounds like someone making a parody of an overproduced track)
  12. no, different song, although there was a "dying on the vine" line
  13. Differnet year, different role, different need (or lack thereof) for effects I guess.
  14. check out Glenn getting up to deliver a beat down
  15. http://www.yousendit.com/download/RTQcNg2mp3k%3D this is Tweedy solo acoustic BTW, if that URL gives you problems, try http://download.yousendit.com/129E38CF0703BB0B
  16. this is what he used tonight Red Epi Casino ("Big Red") White tolex Peavey amp - logo looks like the transtube series, but front panel said "Classic". Maybe an older 80's Classic 30/50??? MXR Micro Amp MXR Blue Box Boss TU2
  17. do this - the few extra bucks are worth it. if you ever play with other people, it can be hard to demand total silence while you try and tune with a GA30.
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